Przejdz do dołu stronyStrona: 1 / 2>>>    strony: [1]2


26.01.2014 11:05:22
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1726303
Od: 2010-9-18

Ponieważ to co oferuję, jeżeli chodzi o stację pogodowe czy telemetrię mi nie wystarczało, oraz ponieważ szukałem rozwiązania małego i szybkiego, które nie zmulało by komputera tak, jak przeładowana JavaScriptem strona, na szybko (5 godzin) stworzyłem więc aplikację APRS2RRD. Łączy się ona od razu z serwerami APRS i ściąga z nich dane wybranej stacji, rysuję wykresy w RRDtool i generuję odpowiednią strokę WWW. Ważne dla mnie było też aby wykresy generowały się z dużo większą rozdzielczością niż na, bo tam ze względu na redukcję obciążenia wynosi ona 10 minut. Puki co jest to stworzone "na sztywno" tzn aby uzyskać dane z konkretnej stacji pogodowej trzeba ręcznie powpisywać to w source, ale przynajmniej działa wesoły Muszę jeszcze do tego dorzucić wykres kierunku wiatru ale jeżeli ktoś jest w miarę kumaty to sam sobie poradzi... Dodam tylko, że kompiluje się only under Linux wesoły

Przykładowy screen:
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
Electra07.03.2025 03:33:09
poziom 5

26.01.2014 11:19:45
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Wrocław / Szkocja

Posty: 390 #1726314
Od: 2013-10-16
A co z Cygwin'em?
26.01.2014 11:26:53
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1726318
Od: 2010-9-18

A nie wiem, może tak może nie. To i tak ma działać pod screenem na serwerze Linuxowym także kompatybilność z M$ mnie nie interesowała wesoły
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
26.01.2014 11:31:59
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Wrocław / Szkocja

Posty: 390 #1726322
Od: 2013-10-16
Cóż pod Cygwin'em też lipa. Projekt fajny, ale nie chce mi się stawiać Linuxa na virtualu.
26.01.2014 11:39:02
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1726326
Od: 2010-9-18


Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
Żeby to działało pod Windowsem trzeba by było przerobić kod po kątem socketów, bo oczywiście te z Linuksa mają się nijak do M$. Jest wersja RRDtoola pod Windows także tu by przynajmniej problemu nie było ale wątpie w możliwość uruchomienia wersji linuksowej pod cygwinem, tak aby po prostu skompilować i uruchomić mój program. Już lepiej odpalić jakiegoś Debiana albo Ubuntu wesoły
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
26.01.2014 13:13:38
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1726417
Od: 2013-9-21
Dear Mateusz,
it is a great idea to use the RRD tool to generate high quality graphs from data of aprs-enabled weather stations. It is really usefull to display/publish such data/graphs on web pages.
When I received the news about your tool, I immediatly started to test it.
I have a relatively new debian install, this has the advantage, to install the RRDTools, not a problem, it has precompiled binary version, ofcourse I have the developer tools, gcc, c++, and so.
After compiling and start it, I received the log, you can see below.
The problems are, I see in it:
- The program use your account to login to the igate server, it is OK in the test period.
- it send a warning, to use the 14580 port,,, maybe it can be follow this ask.
- the home of the program is in the /home/sp8ecb Atfter I create this dir, the error message disappeared. Ofcourse on your system is is not a problem.
After this, it started to convert and print out the weather data. It seems, it create the html file too in the /var/www dir, it seems, it is the same, as you published on the screenshot png file, but without the graph picture.
I havenot to much practice to use the RRDTool, but it seems, it need, a previously create rrd database file in the /home/sp8ecb dir.
I propose for test purposes, put you in the git repository your predkosc.rrd file, or put there a minimal script, which will create this file.

Many thanks for this interesting tool. I am ready to test it in the next stepps too.
(Feel free to use here the polish language, - this is your forum -, I will try to translate it for myself with google)
t.janos, hg5apz

Here is the log:..................

root@ujdeb:/tj/aprs2rrd/APRS2RRD-master# ./aprs2rrd
# javAPRSSrvr 3.15b07
# logresp SP8EBC unverified, server T2POLAND, adjunct "filter p/SR8WXO" OK - Filter definition updated
# javAPRSSrvr 3.15b07 26 Jan 2014 11:37:30 GMT T2POLAND Please use port 14580 for all of your connections!
-- Przetworzone dane stacji: SR8WXO - 0
-- Id urządzenia: AKLPRZ
-- Długość Ścieżki: 1
---- Element Numer: 0 = WIDE2-1
-- Typ wysyłającego do APRS-IS: qAR
-- Wysyłający do APRS-IS: SP8EBC
- Dane: !4944.20N/02150.45E_067/002g005t073r000p000P000b10130
ERROR: opening '/home/sp8ebc/predkosc.rrd': No such file or directory

--------- DANE POGODOWE -------
-- Siła wiatru: 0.880000
-- Porywy: 2.200000
-- Kierunek: 67
-- Temperatura: 22.777779
SR8WXO>AKLPRZ,SR8NDR,WIDE2*,qAR,SP8EBC-3:=4944.20NS02150.45E# ~ Dzialy Paralotnie - ARM-DSP digi&tnc by SP8EBC
-- Przetworzone dane stacji: SR8WXO - 0
-- Id urządzenia: AKLPRZ
-- Długość Ścieżki: 2
---- Element Numer: 0 = SR8NDR-0
---- Element Numer: 1 = WIDE2*-0
-- Typ wysyłającego do APRS-IS: qAR
-- Wysyłający do APRS-IS: SP8EBC
- Dane: =4944.20NS02150.45E# ~ Dzialy Paralotnie - ARM-DSP digi&tnc by SP8EBC
ERROR: opening '/home/sp8ebc/predkosc.rrd': No such file or directory

26.01.2014 15:35:42
poziom 6

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 1572 #1726513
Od: 2009-2-22
Jak wygląda najprostsza ramka, która nadaje pozycję?
Czy wystarczy znak i pozycja oraz czas?
26.01.2014 19:56:07
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1726732
Od: 2010-9-18


Ilość edycji wpisu: 6
@ hg5apz
I just discovered that I forgot mention very importan point. After first run of my program you must manually create RRD database, where the program will write its data. To do it you should change directory to your preferred one (witch of course must agree with code) and type such command like this:

rrdtool create predkosc.rrd --start 1390502250 --step 60 DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150

predkosc.rrd it's filename witch must agree with these used in source code.

--start XXXX it is the start time of whole database file typed in unix-stamp format. You can check it via this web page: or just write --start N to use current time.

--step 60 defines period (in seconds) of writing new data to database. This parameter schould has the same value as desired WX station
beacon frequency.

DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U -- defines Data storage. predkosc is only a catpion. GAUGE means that values wchich app writes are in aboslute value. I mean that this isn't a counter, where RRDtool stores differential of input numbers insted of it's exact values. 190 is a maximum acceptable period of time, when RRDtool won't write NaN (Not a Number) symbol in file. It work's as protection against missed beacon. When this time is elapsed the hole will appear on plots.

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150 -- This is declaration of Round Robin Alghoritm. AVERAGE is just an average wesoły (you can type MAX, MIN or few other)..... Digit "2" means how much samples will program use to calculate average. "150" is a size of database counted in number of stored samples. But you must know that if you choose average from 2 samples the resolution falls twice. Program will store two subsequentional values in buffer and write them average in rrd file......

As you propably see full path to rrd file appers twice in source code. Firstly, where the DB is filled with new data and next when plots are made. It must be the same as location of this file in your system..

The source I posted is very dirty written, because I need very quickly app witch such functionality (I wrote it in 4 hours). I will make it more "sophisticated" and clean in future. What's more such things as wind direction plot should appered, as typical angle versus time curve and as arrow like this: .... And of course configuration via separate .conf file will be added.

Lines like:: # javAPRSSrvr 3.15b07 26 Jan 2014 11:37:30 GMT T2POLAND Please use port 14580 for all of your connections! is normal behaviour. All APRS servers send something in 30 second period to keeps connection alive and prevent from hanging it up.
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
26.01.2014 20:32:37
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1726769
Od: 2013-9-21
thank you very much for the additional informations and the command, use to generate the rrd file.
I applied it, and now all are working, as expected: it is really a nice feature, and a possible presentaions for the aprs data.
Ofcourse it need some more costumisations, but the realizations of the concept is clear from this version too.
I am waiting for your next works, and I am ready to test it. If it will be more simple to start and configure, I will propagate it on our radio amateur forum too.
And I need to learn more about the RRDTools too.
Thank you, and best wishes:
26.01.2014 23:25:38
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1726875
Od: 2010-9-18

No problem. If you want some other features I can easly add it to my app. By the half of February I will have had exams session at univ but I schould be able to make some cosmetics change quickly. I can move all declarations as Callsign, APRS-IS passmord or monitored Callsign to one Class where it will be easly modified. Next i will write some functions to set these settings from external config file. Have you any other needs?

Program will always be written as single cpp file. This isn't good programming practice but It schould maitain very easy compilation for end user
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
27.01.2014 09:06:56
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1727071
Od: 2013-9-21
Dear Mateusz,
have good luck to your studies and exams. This is more important, as the hobby projects!
We will return to this topics after your exams.

By the way, some years ago there was a nice project, made by Bogdan, YO3IIO, and the aim was to put the continuously available METAR data to the aprs. I dont know, has this concept any popularity recently, but the idea was viable.
Getting METAR weather through APRS
Maybe now can try to follow the reverse path, and put the metar-aprs data to web pages.

Another topic is to put lightening data to the aprs map. Now there are situations, when this has signiphicant attentions, for example in a high altitude balloon flight. Some years ago I was active participant of the Blitzortung network, and I tried to invetigate this topic. I made a documentation about that time used data format of this network, but there appeared some problems, didnt support to realize this idea. But if somebody have a Blitzortung-type lightening sensor, it hasnot this problems to put on aprs map this local data.
Ofcourse now the situation changed signiphicantly, for example there are mobile phone apps, to offers this service in easy way.
Here is my old documentation page, but now they use another formats, I didnot documented.
Best wishes:
t.janos hg5apz
Electra07.03.2025 03:33:09
poziom 5

27.01.2014 11:37:29
poziom 6

Grupa: Użytkownik


Posty: 1024 #1727190
Od: 2011-2-13

Ilość edycji wpisu: 3
Mateusz wiecej wiary oczko

Ok, widze ze nie dziala quote - no coz oczko

Jakub@Jakub ~/Desktop
$ g++ -Wall -o main.exe main.cpp
main.cpp: In member function 'void WXFromPacket::CopyConvert(char, char*, int*, int*)':
main.cpp:129:9: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable]
int i = 0;
main.cpp: In function 'short int ParseAPRSISData(char*, APRS_Packet*)':
main.cpp:146:10: warning: unused variable 'previous' [-Wunused-variable]
char previous; // poprzedni znak
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:278:23: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
char* logintext = "user SP8EBC pass XXXX vers WX2RRD 0.1.0 filter p/SR8WXO \r\n";
main.cpp:322:109: warning: embedded '\0' in format [-Wformat-contains-nul]
sprintf(command, "rrdtool update /home/sp8ebc/predkosc.rrd %d:%f\0", currtimeint, WX->wind_speed);
main.cpp:322:109: warning: embedded '\0' in format [-Wformat-contains-nul]
main.cpp:273:52: warning: unused variable 'portno' [-Wunused-variable]
int sockfd /* deskryptor pliku dla socketa */, portno, n, nn;
main.cpp:273:60: warning: variable 'n' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int sockfd /* deskryptor pliku dla socketa */, portno, n, nn;
main.cpp:273:63: warning: variable 'nn' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int sockfd /* deskryptor pliku dla socketa */, portno, n, nn;
main.cpp: In member function 'char WXFromPacket:jęzorarseData(APRS_Packet*)':
main.cpp:126:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]

    "kod" pisze:

    Jakub@Jakub ~/Desktop
    $ ./main.exe
    # javAPRSSrvr 3.15b07
    # logresp SP8EBC unverified, server T2POLAND, adjunct "filter p/SR8WXO" OK - Filter definition updated

Tyle szybkich testow wesoły Nie zmienialem w kodze nic jak widac nawet nie wpisalem normalnego swojego usera i hasla bardzo szczęśliwy

09.02.2014 09:32:14
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1741882
Od: 2010-9-18

Cze. Jest nowa wesja mojego softu. Poprawiłem w niej kilka dość istotnych wad oraz dodałem kilka nowych funkcji:

~> FIX: Próba uruchomienia bez dostępu do Internetu kończyła się błędem ochrony pamięci.
~> FIX: Czas ostatniej aktualizacji jest podawany w czasie strefowym a nie w sekundach ery UNIX wesoły
~> FIX: Kilka pomniejszych błędów powodujących czasami wysypywanie się aplikacji
~> ADD: Program wykrywa zawieszone połączenie do serwera APRS i automatycznie je restartuje
~> ADD: Cała konfiguracja została przeniesiona do jednej klasy, ustawianej przy pomocy dyrektyw #define znajdujących się na początku pliku cpp
~> ADD: Zmieniony wygląd generowanej strony WWW z dodanym wykresem kierunku wiatru.

Hi. I just issued new verion of APRS2RRD software (now most current is 0.0.3-08022014). In this one I fixed few bugs and add some new features. All are listed above:

~> FIX: Running program without connection to Internet caused segementation fault.
~> FIX: Last update time is now presentend as local time instead of epoch wesoły.
~> FIX: Few little bugs witch caused hanging up from time to time.
~> ADD: Program sense and reset stucked connection with APRS server.
~> ADD: All Configuration was moved to single class witch is now filled from some #define declaration located on top of source file
~> ADD: Generated webpage was little changed. Wind direction plot was added.
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
09.02.2014 10:34:59
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1741955
Od: 2013-9-21
we hope you finished your univ. exams with success.
Thank you very much the updates.
My first impressions:
it seems, you use another lib in the background, the reference to this is the include directive to the libconfig.h++
On my system it was need to compile this package from source, downloaded from here:
After configure, make, make install it was success to compile the new version.
It starting, but it seems, the dir structure in the web working dir and in the "home location" changed too.
Need to create an aprs dir, practically: /var/www/aprs
and the working db files are in the /home/matheusz dir, need to create too.
I didnot deal to modify this structure, but it necessery to create for the running prog.
It would be good, if you publish an examples about this db files.
There are two database file, the new one is the kierunek.rrd, but it has different field structure.
The error message, referred to this missing db structure:
ERROR: No DS called 'kierunek' in '/home/mateusz/kierunek.rrd'
--------- DANE POGODOWE -------
-- Siła wiatru: 4.840000
-- Porywy: 7.480000
-- Kierunek: 170
-- Temperatura: 22.777779

best wishes:
t.janos hg5apz
09.02.2014 10:51:53
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1741969
Od: 2010-9-18


Ilość edycji wpisu: 2
Hi. Yes, I started to implement libconfig to read configure from .conf file, but it isn't finished yet. Now you can just comment #include <libconfig.h++> in source file (I correct this at github), because actually this library is unused. To compile program with this line enabled you must have libconfig-dev package installed in your system.

Whole configuration is now stored in these defines
#define CALL "SP8EBC" // Callsign used to login to APRS-network. It musn't be valid to receive data
#define PASS 123456 // APRS Password for provided callsign
#define MONITORED_CALL "SR8WXO" // Callsign of monitored APRS Weather Station
#define APRS_SERVER ""
#define APRS_SERVER_PORT 14580 // This port MUST have user-definiable filters
#define RRD_SPEED_PATH "/home/mateusz/predkosc.rrd" // path to RRD-file where windspeed is stored
#define RRD_DIRECTION_PATH "/home/mateusz/kierunek.rrd" // path to RRD-file where wind direction is stored
#define PNG_SPEED_PATH "/var/www/aprs/predkosc.png" // path to PNG image with generated windspeed plot
#define PNG_DIRECTION_PATH "/var/www/aprs/kierunek.png" // the same as above but with direction plot
#define HTML_PATH "/var/www/aprs/dzialywx.html" // path to generated HTML website

witch are located at 45 to 54 line. Change these values to yours and all things schould work OK.

To create RRD files just type in command line, of course after cd to right directory (pointed in source):
rrdtool create predkosc.rrd --start N --step 90 DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150
rrdtool create kierunek.rrd --start N --step 90 DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150

You can download my RRD files from here, but it consist some data from SR8WXO
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
09.02.2014 11:01:47
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1741971
Od: 2013-9-21
Dear Mateusz,
Thank you for the quick reply!
You program produce nice web-friendly formats about the meteo stations data, available on aprs.
Maybe you know, in the last years appeared a new hobby, this is the so called pico-ballooning.
This type of balloons have very small payload, and broadcats telemetry data in a special, so called "UKHAS format". To display this data in real time on a map it was challenge, but it can be follow on this page:
The database and a huge amount of informations behind this you can find here:

The database has api to access to the actual telemetry data, and there are web pages to vizualise this type of data, for example here:
and here:
Sometimes there is the situations, that the balloon controller and radio broadcast the similar telemetry data in UKHAS format and in aprs format too.
The actual example is a balloon, started from near Huston, and flying to Europe, as was noted by Thomas, in the parallel topic, in this morning here:
It would be nice, if you would start to thinking to modify your program to display this type of aprs data too...
best: t.janos
09.02.2014 11:12:54
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1741981
Od: 2010-9-18


Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
Exactly what data you need? Altidude or telemetry encapsulated in packet? I planned handling telemetry data, at begining of developing this stuff but wheater data is more important for me wesoły

A tak dla całej reszty to tutaj: jest strona WWW generowana przez mój program z danych pogodynki SR8WXO. Dziury, które się od czasu do czasu pojawiają są spowodowane przez radiotelefon nadawczy (nie każda ramka ze stacji jest dekodowana, patrz temat o Igate z Jaworzyny Krynickiej)
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
09.02.2014 11:14:13
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1741983
Od: 2013-9-21
Dear Mateusz,
Thank you for the quick reply!
You program produce nice web-friendly formats about the meteo stations data, available on aprs.
Maybe you know, in the last years appeared a new hobby, this is the so called pico-ballooning.
This type of balloons have very small payload, and broadcats telemetry data in a special, so called "UKHAS format". To display this data in real time on a map it was challenge, but it can be follow on this page:
The database and a huge amount of informations behind this you can find here:

The database has api to access to the actual telemetry data, and there are web pages to vizualise this type of data, for example here:
and here:
Sometimes there is the situations, that the balloon controller and radio broadcast the similar telemetry data in UKHAS format and in aprs format too.
The actual example is a balloon, started from near Huston, and flying to Europe, as was noted by Thomas, in the parallel topic, in this morning here:
It would be nice, if you would start to thinking to modify your program to display this type of aprs data too...
best: t.janos
09.02.2014 11:19:33
Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 22 #1741988
Od: 2013-9-21
I am really very sorry:
I started to improve my text, insert the url-s in clickable format, but I made the mistake, send it 3 times. And now I dont know, how can delete the duplicated copies....
Mybe the admin or moderator can help me...
09.02.2014 11:24:54
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Bielsko-Biała

Posty: 2019 #1741990
Od: 2010-9-18

To delete your post you should use "usuń" link below your post counter. "edytuj" means edit
Mateusz Lubecki SP8EBC --
Electra07.03.2025 03:33:09
poziom 5


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