Hi. Yes, I started to implement libconfig to read configure from .conf file, but it isn't finished yet. Now you can just comment #include <libconfig.h++> in source file (I correct this at github), because actually this library is unused. To compile program with this line enabled you must have libconfig-dev package installed in your system. Whole configuration is now stored in these defines #define CALL "SP8EBC" // Callsign used to login to APRS-network. It musn't be valid to receive data #define PASS 123456 // APRS Password for provided callsign #define MONITORED_CALL "SR8WXO" // Callsign of monitored APRS Weather Station #define APRS_SERVER "server.aprs.pl" #define APRS_SERVER_PORT 14580 // This port MUST have user-definiable filters #define RRD_SPEED_PATH "/home/mateusz/predkosc.rrd" // path to RRD-file where windspeed is stored #define RRD_DIRECTION_PATH "/home/mateusz/kierunek.rrd" // path to RRD-file where wind direction is stored #define PNG_SPEED_PATH "/var/www/aprs/predkosc.png" // path to PNG image with generated windspeed plot #define PNG_DIRECTION_PATH "/var/www/aprs/kierunek.png" // the same as above but with direction plot #define HTML_PATH "/var/www/aprs/dzialywx.html" // path to generated HTML website witch are located at 45 to 54 line. Change these values to yours and all things schould work OK. To create RRD files just type in command line, of course after cd to right directory (pointed in source): rrdtool create predkosc.rrd --start N --step 90 DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150 rrdtool create kierunek.rrd --start N --step 90 DS:predkosc:GAUGE:190:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:150 You can download my RRD files from here, but it consist some data from SR8WXO |