we hope you finished your univ. exams with success.
Thank you very much the updates.
My first impressions:
it seems, you use another lib in the background, the reference to this is the include directive to the libconfig.h++
On my system it was need to compile this package from source, downloaded from here:
After configure, make, make install it was success to compile the new version.
It starting, but it seems, the dir structure in the web working dir and in the "home location" changed too.
Need to create an aprs dir, practically: /var/www/aprs
and the working db files are in the /home/matheusz dir, need to create too.
I didnot deal to modify this structure, but it necessery to create for the running prog.
It would be good, if you publish an examples about this db files.
There are two database file, the new one is the kierunek.rrd, but it has different field structure.
The error message, referred to this missing db structure:
ERROR: No DS called 'kierunek' in '/home/mateusz/kierunek.rrd'
--------- DANE POGODOWE -------
-- Siła wiatru: 4.840000
-- Porywy: 7.480000
-- Kierunek: 170
-- Temperatura: 22.777779

best wishes:
t.janos hg5apz