Dear Mateusz,
Thank you for the quick reply!
You program produce nice web-friendly formats about the meteo stations data, available on aprs.
Maybe you know, in the last years appeared a new hobby, this is the so called pico-ballooning.
This type of balloons have very small payload, and broadcats telemetry data in a special, so called "UKHAS format". To display this data in real time on a map it was challenge, but it can be follow on this page:
The database and a huge amount of informations behind this you can find here:

The database has api to access to the actual telemetry data, and there are web pages to vizualise this type of data, for example here:
and here:
Sometimes there is the situations, that the balloon controller and radio broadcast the similar telemetry data in UKHAS format and in aprs format too.
The actual example is a balloon, started from near Huston, and flying to Europe, as was noted by Thomas, in the parallel topic, in this morning here:
It would be nice, if you would start to thinking to modify your program to display this type of aprs data too...
best: t.janos