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Informacje o ARISS możliwych do nasłuchów w SP
04.04.2011 12:36:14
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #677862
Od: 2009-11-11


Saturday, 02 April, 2011 at 08:34 UTC and 10:10, i.e. 10:34 and 12:10 local time "Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Leonardo da Vinci" and "Istituto Comprensivo Scolastico G. Tedeschi", Pratola Peligna, l'Aquila, Italy, established double ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA on board the International Space Station. Astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The "Leonardo da Vinci" Institute and the "G. Tedeschi" middle school operated the contact with callsign I6IBE.

The school is named to Leonardo Da Vinci and is located in the Peligna valley, about 60 km from the city of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, central Italy. It's a Higher Technical Institute for the study of electronics, telecommunications, chemical materials, mechanical and mechatronics. The Institute is attended by students aged 14-19 and has 22 technical laboratories, 1 gymnasium and 1 soccer field and 72 classrooms connected to the Internet. The school collaborates with the local radio-amateurs.

The Comprehensive School "Tedeschi" in Pratola Peligna comprizes a school population that goes from nursery to middle school. The school has more than 700 pupils and students. For many years, students participate in various cultural and sporting activities. The school has a close relationship with the "Leonardo Da Vinci" Institute.

ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to radio contact coordinator in Pratola Peligna to set up a direct shared contact with assistance from Telebridge station IZ7RTN, installed at "Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza" in Bari, Puglia, Italy. Mr. Ivo Brugnera I6IBE, radio contact coordinator for this ARISS event, decided in favour of this set up. The questions were read by the students of the both schools. The contacts took place at "Leonardo da Vinci" Institute where an audience of about 100 students, teachers, visitors and media assisted to the ARISS event.

At 08:34 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was established by station I6IBE. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 11 questions per direct radio contact and 5 more questions per telebridge via IZ7RTN. At 10:10 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was again established by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD, installed at Casale Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. Paolo NESPOLI answered 7 more questions. The ISS link during second pass was established with very low elevation for IK1SLD. Assistance by IZ7RTN and by IK1SLD was needed, due local obscurations. Before the end of the first pass, the ISS was behind the mountains. During the second pass, there was no ISS visibility from Pratola, but more then 5 minutes for IK1SLD.

Regional and local media and newspapers covered the event.

Streaming video was for both contacts on:

ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News:

Congratulations to ARISS team in Pratola Peligna, ARISS Puglia Team and IK1SLD Team!


Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF
ARISS mentor

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
Electra21.02.2025 14:07:52
poziom 5

04.04.2011 12:37:13
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #677863
Od: 2009-11-11
A dzis rano byl kontakt (znow sie zgapilem) przepraszam.

ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA will contact school in Lucca, Italy

An ARISS school contact is planned Monday April 4 at approximately 7:53 UTC, which is 9.53 CEST, with Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "Enrico Fermi", Lucca, Italy.

State Technical Industrial Institute is named to Enrico Fermi and is located in Lucca, Northern Tuscany. Curriculum comprises 5 years courses in Mechanics, Electrotechnics, Electronics, Information and Communication Tecnology with several laboratories. There are about 700 students aged 14-19.

A direct radio contact is planned. Signals from space will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

The event will be probably broadcast in streaming video on

Students are 14 to 19 years old. They will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Andrea: Quale preparazione fisica e mentale seguono gli astronauti prima di essere mandati in missione?
2. Mattia: Quanto tempo si impiega ad abituarsi alla mancanza assoluta di gravita?
3. Luca: Il fabbisogno quotidiano di calorie e lo stesso che sulla terra?
4. Luca: Come vengono smaltiti i rifiuti sulla ISS?
5. Elisa: Quali sono gli esperimenti che fate in questa missione?
6. Gabriele: Come riuscite ad agganciarvi con tale precisione alla stazione spaziale?
7. Francesco: Avete problemi di collisione con detriti spaziali?
8. Lorenzo: Che problemi porta al fisico una lunga permanenza in un ambiente privo di gravita?
9. Diego: Come viene schermata la stazione spaziale dalle radiazioni cosmiche?
10. Jacopo: Come mai la quota della stazione spaziale e 350 Km?
11. Lorenzo: Quanto tempo un gruppo di persone puo rimanere nello spazio in un ambiente ristretto?
12. Matteo: Cosa manca di piu stando tanto tempo sulla ISS?
13. Andrea: Qual e la pressione atmosferica all’interno della stazione spaziale?
14. Marco: Sulla ISS, come fate a mantenere un ambiente abitabile come ossigeno, umidita, carica batterica, ecc?
15. Luca: Con quali materiali e costruita la ISS?
16. Mirko: Qual e l’obiettivo della missione MagISStra?
17. Jacopo: Come viene distribuito il calore nella tuta spaziale che indossate quando uscite nello spazio?
18. Nicola: Eventuali urti con altri corpi orbitanti costituiscono un pericolo reale?
19. Marco: In caso di guasti interni o esterni come procedete per la riparazione?
20. Elisa: Come vengono utilizzati sulla terra i risultati di ricerche fatti nel corso di queste lunghe missioni spaziali?
21. Luca: Quanto impiega il fisico umano ad adattarsi sulla ISS prima e a tornare sulla terra poi?
22. Nicola: I risultati ottenuti dagli esperimenti sulla ISS sono preparatori per una futura missione su Marte?
23. Marco: Avete una "scialuppa di salvataggio", che vi consenta di abbandonare la base in caso di emergenza?


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Chairman

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
05.04.2011 10:48:44
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #678403
Od: 2009-11-11

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
Astronauta Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA będzie miał eudkacyjny kontakt ARISS z dwoma szkołami we Włoszech. Jest on zaplanowany a 6 kwietnia około 07:10 UTC, czyli 9.10 CEST.

Są to szkoły podstawowe: Scuola Primaria III Circolo "Tiro a Segno", Fermo, Region Marche
oraz "Viale della Vittoria", Montecosaro, prowincja Macerata, w dolinie Chienti.

Szkołą podstawowa "Tiro a Segno" (Shooting) rozwija projekt "New technologies".
Celem projektu jest efektywne podejście do technologii i dzieci biorą udział w edukacyjnych badaniach i eksperymentach. Członkowie lokalnego klubu krótkofalowców uczą uczniów znaczenie krótkofalarstwa oraz działania radiostacji i praktyki telegrafii.

Szkoła "Viale della Vittoria" oferuje uczniom możliwość zdobywania wiedzy objetej programem ministerialnym, jednak aby zwiększyć ofertę edukacyjną, jest też opracowanych kilka projektów dodatkowych takich jak informatyka, silniki do gry w szachy, ceramika, sztuka.

Bezpośredni kontakt radiowy (I6KZR) będzie słyszalny w Europie 145.800 MHz FM.

Wydarzenie będzie prawdopodobnie transmitowane na

Uczniowie są w wieku 6 do 10 lat. Zadadzą wiele pytań, a oto one:

1. Ivan: qual e la tua missione?
2. Sara: secondo te sara possibile costruire una citta nello spazio?
3. Francesco: come e la vostra giornata sulla ISS?
4. Sofia: cosa si prova ad osservare la terra da cosi lontano?
5. Giada: e vero che l'unica opera umana, visibile ad occhio nudo, dallo spazio, e la grande muraglia cinese?
6. Tommaso: come si vive nello spazio
7. Andrea. In che modo comunicate con la terra?
8. Jacopo: cosa si prova a stare senza forza di gravita?
9. Enzo: come vedete i pianeti e le stelle da lassu?
10. Asya: hai mai visto altre forme di vita o navicelle non della terra?
11. Marinelda: come e nata la sua passione per lo spazio?
12. Pietro: quante missioni hai compiuto?
13. Lorenzo: come e stata la preparazione per il viaggio che sta facendo?
14. Maria: come si diventa astronauta?
15. Beatrice: quante persone viaggiano con te?
16. Matilde. come comunicate tra di voi sulla ISS?
17. Alessandra: quanto tempo durera il tuo viaggio sulla ISS?
18. Emanuele: cosa sono i moduli "nodi" e a che cosa servono?
19. Francesco: come avverra il tuo atterraggio?
20. Alessio: qual e la maggiore difficolta che si ha nel vivere nello spazio?
21. Matteo: chi comanda le operazioni della navicella?

Przetłumaczył Armand SP3QFE na podstwie informacji od Przwodniczącego ARISS Gaston'a, ON4WF.

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
06.04.2011 10:36:05
poziom 5

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Trzebież, JO73gp

Posty: 457 #679023
Od: 2009-3-2

Ilość edycji wpisu: 6

Ilość edycji Admina: 1

Jeszcze "gorące" wideo


06.04.2011 14:07:25
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #679111
Od: 2009-11-11
Jesteś jak zwykle niesamowity! Wielkie dzięki za filmik wesoły

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
06.04.2011 15:53:39
poziom 5

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Trzebież, JO73gp

Posty: 457 #679180
Od: 2009-3-2

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1

Jechałem właśnie do pracy i sobie przypomniałem o przelocie.
Sprawdziłem w HamSatDroid jaką elewacją będzie leciał.
5 stopni to raczej mało jak na teren zabudowany. Fajnie, że coś było jednak słychać.
Nie zdążyłem zmontować już arrowa ale pewnie nie było by lepiej.
FT-470 to bardzo dobre radyjko do pracy via SAT

10.04.2011 00:50:33
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #681099
Od: 2009-11-11

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 07:10 UTC, which is 9.10 CEST, "Scuola Primaria III Circolo Tiro a Segno", Fermo, and "Scuola Primaria Viale della Vittoria", Montecosaro, Italy established a ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA onboard the International Space Station. ESA astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The "Tiro a Segno" and "Viale della Vittoria" primary schools operated the contact with callsign I6KZR.

The Primary School "Tiro a Segno" (Shooting) is located in Fermo, Marche Region, Italy. The school developed a project called "New technologies". The project aims an efficient approach to technology and the children are involved in educational research and experiments. Members of the local radio amateurs club teach the students the importance Ham Radio activities and the practice of telegraphy.

Montecosaro is a little town in the province of Macerata, in the valley of Chienti. The school "Viale della Vittoria" offers the students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge covered by the Ministerial programs and to use this knowledge for preparing a serene and conscious life. To increase the educational offer, several projects are developed, such as computer science, the game of chess engines, pottery, art and expression.

ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to the radio contact coordinator in Fermo a direct contact with assistance by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD installed at Casale Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. Renzo Ciarpella I6KZR, radio contact coordinator for this ARISS event, decided in favor of this set up. The questions were asked by the students of both schools where an audience of about 350 students, teachers, visitors and media participated to the event.

At 07:10 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was established by station I6KZR. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 13 questions and exchanged greetings before of the closing of the contact. The ISS link was provided by I6KZR ground station, located in Fermo and connected with “Viale della Vittoria” primary school in Motecosaro per VoIP and UHF, as well as by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD per phone line. The signal from the ISS was loud and clear all the time.

Regional Television, local media and newspapers covered the event.

Streaming video was available on:

The ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News:

Congratulations to both ARISS "I6KZR" and "IK1SLD" teams!


Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF
ARISS mentor
Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
14.04.2011 01:13:36
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #683488
Od: 2009-11-11
Astronauta ESA: Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA bedzie mial kontakt ze szkola w Turynie, Wlochy

Kontakt ARISS jest zaplanowany na 14 kwietnia o około 8:50 UTC, czyli 10.50 CEST, z Istituto Sociale, Torino, Italy. Bedzie to telemost z K6DUE w Maryland, USA.
Nasluch mozliwy bedzie przez EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) i JK1ZRW (node 277 208), a takze
IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.

Wydarzenie bedzie prawdopodobnie transmitowane on-line na:

The "Istituto Sociale" is a Catholic school considered as equivalent of a state school, located in Turin. The institute comprizes primary, middle and high schools, classical and scientific.

The students involved in the ARISS project belong to the middle school. This ARISS school contact is highly appreciated, especially for a school in Turin, for many modules of the ISS have been built in Turin by Thales Alenia Space.

Uczniowie sa w wielu 11 do 14 lat. Planuja zadac nastepujace pytania:

1. Perche ha deciso di fare l'astronauta?
2. Secondo quali criteri si sceglie un astronauta? Da che età si puo partecipare alle missioni?
3. Come ci si prepara alle missioni? L'allenamento e molto faticoso?
4. Come reagisce il corpo quando torna sulla terra?
5. Come si svolge la vita quotidiana nella navicella? Che tipo di mansioni svolge?
6. Come trascorrete la giornata e il tempo libero? Avete la tv/internet/musica?
7. Come scorre il tempo? In che modo lo misurate?
8. Dove vi trovate e cosa state vedendo in questo momento?
9. Com'e la luna vista da lì?
10. Fino a dove si e spinta un'astronave con equipaggio a bordo?
11. Qual e la finalita della missione?
12. Qual e stata la sua prima missione? Oppure e questa la sua prima missione?
13. Che sensazione si prova nell'aver visto cio che l'uomo sogna di vedere fin dall'eta piu antica?
14. Esiste un diario di bordo?
15. Cosa e come mangiate? Dove conservate il cibo?
16. In che posizione si dorme? Si sbatte la testa?
17. Che tipo di "corazza" ha la navicella e come si riparano eventuali danni?
18. Le funzioni vitali in orbita sono le stesse che sulla terra?
19. Si esce dalla navicella per "camminare nello spazio"? Lei e mai uscito?
20. Com'e la vita in assenza di gravita? Si puo creare gravita artificiale?

informacje przeslal Przewodicznacego ARISS: Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, tlumaczyl Armand SP3QFE.

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
22.04.2011 23:37:58
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #688252
Od: 2009-11-11
W Sobote 23 kwitnia 2011 o 09.13 UTC, czyli 11.13 CEST, zaplanowany jest edukacyjny kontakt krotkofalarski ARISS dla Istituto Comprensivo Dedalo 2000 "Scuola secondaria di Cingia de' Botti" (CR), Solarolo Rainerio we Wloszech.

Dzwiek z konkatku mozna bedzie odebrac przez EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) i JK1ZRW (node 277 208) serwer Conference, a takze przez IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.

Ponadto przewidzainy jest webcast na

The secondary school of Cingia de' Botti in the province of Cremona belongs to Istituto Comprensivo "Dedalo 2000”. One of the students parent, Mrs. Antonella Pezzani, is the author of MagISStra, the name of Paolo Nespoli's mission. Teachers and students decided to participate actively to this adventure. They participated to "Mission X" and have been training as astronauts, winning the second place in Italy. Students of other classes have started the experiment "A greenhouse in space." The ARISS contact with Paolo Nespoli will be organized in the municipal gymnasium of Cingia de' Botti, with about seventy Institute students aged from 10 to 14 years as well as their parents and the teachers who have pérticipated to the projects "Mission X" and "A greenhouse in space".

Bedzie to telemost zrealizowany przez stacje naziemną W6SRJ w Kaliforni.

Students, aged 10-14, will ask as many of following questions as time allows:

1. Come ti e venuta l'ispirazione per fare l'astronauta?
2. Da quanti anni fai l'astronauta?
3. Quanto tempo di preparazione c'e voluto prima di andare sulla ISS?
4. Che sensazione hai provato quando la Soyuz è partita?
5. Che sensazione hai provato quando ti e stato aperto il portellone per entrare nella ISS?
6. Come si svolge la tua giornata nello spazio?
7. Come viene scandito l'alternarsi del giorno e della notte?
8. Perche ti piace fare l'astronauta?
9. Ti mancano la famiglia e le persone che ti erano vicine sulla terra?
10. Hai pensato di rimanere piu tempo del previsto sulla ISS?
11. Come ti senti quanto vedi tutta l’immensità dello spazio intorno a te?
12. Qual e l’area dei pannelli solari che alimentano la Stazione Spaziale e quanta energia riescono a produrre?
13. E' dura la vita sulla ISS?
14. È possibile tornare sulla terra prima della fine della missione?
15. Nel tuo tempo libero sulla ISS cosa fai?
16. Che effetto fa guardare la Terra dallo spazio?
17. Hai mai visto dalla ISS dei fenomeni inspiegabili?
18. Pensi che siamo soli nell’universo?
19. Una volta tornato, se ti si ripresentasse la possibilita, ripartiresti per lo spazio?
20. Potendo scegliere saresti andato alla scoperta di un nuovo pianeta o sulla ISS?


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Chairman

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
25.04.2011 09:10:14
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #689103
Od: 2009-11-11


At 09:12 UTC, contact with NA1SS was established by station W6SRJ. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 18 questions. The signals from the ISS were loud and clear all the time.

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
28.04.2011 12:16:22
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #690881
Od: 2009-11-11
Zapomnialem wyslac na forum informacji,ze dzis byl ARISS kontakt z Italian Air Force Academy

28 IV 2011 o 07.04 UTC, tj. 09.04 CEST.


Jutro maja byc:

kontakt ARISS dla szkół w Wielkim Księstwie Luksemburga

10:12 UTC, czyli 12.12 Szkoła znajduje się w centrum wsi.

Uczniowie są w wieku 3 do 12Uczniowie i nauczyciele mówią w następujących językach: Luxemburskim, niemieckim, francuskim, portugalskim, włoskim i angielskim. Jest około 250 uczniów, 30 nauczycieli w 17 klasach (przedszkole i szkoła podstawowa).

Kontakt radiowy poprzez teemost obsługiwany przez WH6PN w Honolulu, Hawaii.

Audio z kontaktu, będzie dystrybuowany przez EchoLink AMSAT (węzeł 101 377) i JK1ZRW (węzeł 277 208),
jak również przez IRLP Discovery Reflektor 9010.


Bezposredni kontakt ARISS przez IK1SLD w dniu 29 IV br. o 15:56 UTC, czyli 17.56 r., z Scuola Secondaria I Grado "M. Maccioni" Nuoro, Włochy.

Do szkoły uczęszcza około 500 studentów. Szkoła posiada duży teatr, siłownie. Uczniowie i nauczyciele są bardzo zainteresowani tematami naukowymi, a zwłaszcza astronomią.

Impreza będzie prawdopodobnie retransmitowana on-line na:

Studenci planują zadać następujące pytania:

1. Come si vede la Terra dallo spazio?
2. All’interno della stazione c’e l’atmosfera come sulla Terra ? come si fa a ricreare un atmosfera artificiale?
3. Nella stazione ci sono piante?
4. Sulla terra sogniamo di andare nello spazio o di volare , cosa sognano gli astronauti?
5. Sulla ISS il tempo scorre nello stesso modo che sulla terra?
6. Dalla ISS si vedono gli altri pianeti?
7. Quale e lo scopo della missione?
8. Quale sono le vostre occupazioni durante il giorno? Avete dei passatempi?
9. Si possono verificare situazioni critiche sulla ISS?
10. Come fate ad andare in bagno e fare la doccia?
11. L’acqua che utilizzate proviene dalla terra oppure viene riciclata?
12. siate mai usciti fuori dalla stazione?
13. Come risolvete il problema dei rifiuti sulla ISS?
14. Quali sono gli effetti della mancanza di gravita sui vostro corpi?
15. Come si vedono il sole e le stelle da lassu ?
16. Come si fa nello spazio a regolare la notte e il giorno?
17. Nel tempo libero ascolti musica, se si che tipo?
18. Quali sono le prossime missioni spaziali? prevedono navette che hanno velocita maggiori?
19. Se disponibile per una missione su marte?
Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
Electra21.02.2025 14:07:52
poziom 5

12.05.2011 09:06:11
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #697313
Od: 2009-11-11

Thursday 12 May 2011 at 09:57 UTC, which is 11.57 CEST, an ARISS school contact is planned for Tecnico Industriale Statale "Gerolamo e Margherita Montani", Fermo, Italy

Gerolamo e Margherita Montani Higher Technical Institute is located in Fermo, the most important and ancient town in the district north of the province. Fermo has become recently a new Province of Marche Region.

The Montani Institute is one of the earliest Italian technical schools. These are the courses that the school offers: Chemistry, Materials and Biotechnologies, Electronics and Electrotechnical, Computer Science and Telecommunications, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy.

The direct radio contact will be conducted in Italian and operated by I6KZR.

Students aged 14-19 will ask as many of following questions as time allows.

1. Rudy. What insulating material of the part exposed to the sun of the ISS must be used to withstand the high temperature?
2. Leonardo. What is the maximum and minimum temperature outside the orbiting station?
3. Claudio . What is the terminal velocity when the spacecraft enters the atmosphere?
4. Francesco. Is an astronaut's life boring?
5. Lorenzo. What training does an astronaut have to take before he can go into space?
6. Michele. What is our earth like seen from ISS? Can we distinguish mountain ranges from plain areas, oceans or the heavily pollute areas?
7. Eros. Can you see the Chinese Wall from the ISS?
8. Emanuele. What are the physical characteristic that a person had to have to became an astronaut?
9. Marco. What are your work assignments inside the ISS?
10. Gian Marco. Can accidents occur in outer space? If so how to behave properly?
11. Michele. What measurement system has been agreed on amongst the nations in the designing and construction of the ISS module?
12. Giacomo. What is your typical day like?
13. Lorenzo. What is your nourishment inside the space station?
14. Carlo. How do you obtain the necessary liquids when you are thirsty And for personal hygiene?
15. Francesco. What measures have been taken to help track space debris?
16. Simone. Do you have space adaptation syndrome due to the lack of gravity for such a long period of time?
17. Gregorio. What are the performance criteria for space-to earth data transmission?
18. Francesco. For the earth-space communications, which radio devices are used?
19. Leonardo. How much power have those device?
20. Giacomo. At which speed the ISS moves?
21. Martin. Given the constant motion of the ISS, what type of antenna is required to send signals from the ISS to earth?
22. Alessandro. What are the construction materials for antennas?
23. Claudio. What is the average daily cost of the space mission?
24. Michele. Have the space station its own motors? If it have, how they are powered?

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
12.05.2011 17:24:04
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #697528
Od: 2009-11-11
Kolejne dwie szkoly we Wloszech:

Saturday 14 May 2011 at 09:09 UTC, which is 11.09 CEST, an ARISS school contact is planned for Primary school "Pasquale Luisi", Castelluccio Valmaggiore, Foggia and Secondaria Di 1° Grado "Virgilio", Castelluccio ,Italy.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore is a small mountain town that counts around thousand inhabitants close to the province of Foggia in Italy. The primary school "Pasquale Luisi" with 5 classrooms and with about 90 pupils is a detachment of the school of Troia, Foggia. The secondary school is a detachment of the "Virgilio" school of Troia, Foggia with 3 classrooms and a total number of 50 students aged 11 to 14. The ARISS activities will be performed in the building of the "Pascale Luisi" primary school in Castelluccio, Foggia, Italy.

The direct radio contact will be conducted in Italian and operated by IKØUSO/7.

Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows.

1. What emotion do you feel when you see the earth from the space?
2. How does your body react to the adence of gravity?
3. What is your work space, what do you do?
4. What made you want to be an astronaut?
5. Is the space ship like living at home?
6. Is there any recovery of the Japan tsunami?
7. How do you work out the time?
8. With today's studies, do you believe in future there will be many questions about the birth of galaxies?
9. How many people are there in your team, and what nationalities are they?
10. One problem of the earth in that of global warming. From your point of view what can you say about this?
11. How do you spend your day?
12. In the space which action are most challenging?
13. As a child you even dream of going into space or did you have another dream?
14. Was the astronaut mission difficult to prepare?
15. What do you like best about your job?
16. Among the phenomena studied including cosmic rays, why is it important to study them?
17. You can see all the planets beyond the earth? and the moon?
18. How many times have you been an a mission?
19. I thing it's fun doing the upside down without gravity, do you do it?
20. What sports can you practice on ISS?

The event will probably be webcast in streaming video on:

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
18.05.2011 21:35:06
poziom 3

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: KO00rc - Brzeźnica

Posty: 198 #700479
Od: 2009-12-7

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
postaramy się coś pokazać on-line:
73! Hubert SQ9AOL

19.05.2011 12:50:15
poziom 5

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: Trzebież, JO73gp

Posty: 457 #700693
Od: 2009-3-2

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1

Materiał z nasłuchu ISS 19/05/2011 07:57utc

19.05.2011 14:24:02
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #700731
Od: 2009-11-11
Gratulacje dla zespołu SP8YAY! Well done! wesoły

    SQ7DQX pisze:

    Gratulacje dla zespołu SP8YAY. Sygnał z ISS słyszałem dość słabo, dużo zaników. Armand - ściskam prawicę.

Mateuszu dziękuje za konsultacje prawie on-line wesoły.

Chłopcy... Mateuszu, Piotrku... Wasze filmy bardzo się nam przydały do pogłębienia wiedzy o tej łączności.... jak było słychać u Was sygnał z ISS.

Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
19.05.2011 14:37:03
Grupa: Użytkownik


Posty: 8 #700737
Od: 2011-5-19
Łączność przebiegła świetnie, chociaż przyznam się, na początku stanęło mi serce.

Gratulacje i pozdrowienia.
VY! 73 SQ8OQB Kamil
19.05.2011 21:36:14
poziom 1

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: KO00qb

Posty: 37 #700925
Od: 2009-4-11

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
opanowanie i zimna krew wesoły ta cisza faktycznie dala pot na czole ale teraz już mamy doświadczenie wesoły
Kamil ładny gajerek jęzor
.--. --- --.. -.. .-. .- .-- .. .- --
Cezary SQ8MXC
Yaesu FT-1000D
Yaesu FT-857D
20.05.2011 00:25:26
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: JO92he

Posty: 5330 #700997
Od: 2009-11-11
Gratulacje od Przewodniczącego organizacji ARISS:

------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
Data: Thu, 19 May 2011 11:53:01 +0200
Nadawca: Gaston BERTELS

Hi Hubert,
73, Gaston - ON4WF


A teraz chłopcy jeszcze przed Wami ciężka prac sprawozdania się z łączności przez organizacją ARISS i agencjami kosmicznymi wesoły.
Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235)
PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.

Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air.
20.05.2011 07:06:16
poziom 3

Grupa: Użytkownik

QTH: KO00rc - Brzeźnica

Posty: 198 #701010
Od: 2009-12-7
Ale się bałem, masakra. Ale warto było.
mentor Peter Kofler też przysłał maila z gratulacjami.

Cóż, "papierów" to u nas nikt nie lubi, ale przy tym wszystkim to pewnie będzie pikuś.
Armand, dziękuję(my) za kolejne już odwiedziny i wszelka pomoc.
73! Hubert SQ9AOL

Electra21.02.2025 14:07:52
poziom 5


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