SWL ARISS - ISSInformacje o ARISS możliwych do nasłuchów w SP | ![](fb.png) |
| | sp3qfe | 12.02.2011 04:43:10 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #649294 Od: 2009-11-11
| SP7UDB pisze:
Armand, coś się nie zgadza w tym co piszesz, ponieważ dzisiaj chciałem posłuchać łączności, ale w tym czasie ISS był nad USA ![oczko](/emot/icon_wink.gif)
Przepraszam nie przetłumaczyłem do końca to był telemost:
sp3qfe pisze:
The planned ARISS contact is a telebridge operated by W5RRR and it will be conducted in Norwegian. The audio will be available on EchoLink AMSAT Conference and possibly IRLP reflector 9010.
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | Electra | 17.02.2025 11:07:54 | ![poziom 5](star_icon5.gif)
![oczka](oczka.png) |
| | | sp3qfe | 03.03.2011 10:12:20 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #659151 Od: 2009-11-11
| Chyba ominąłem jedną czy dwie łącnzości ARISS-Europa. Przepraszam. Dziś ma byc kolejne ARISS-Europa dla Hiszpani. Warto zwrocic uwage na ich prosta ale zarazem ciekawa strone WWW, gdzie ma byc transmisja on-line. Godzina ARISS to 15:17 czas lokalny.
Pozdrawiam i zalaczam oryginalna wiadomosc.
An ARISS School Contact is scheduled Thursday 3 March at 14.17 UTC for the Technological Centre for Innovation in Communications (CeTIC), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain.
The Institute for Technological Development and Research in Communications (IDeTIC), formerly known as CeTIC, is a Research and Development centre at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), which was founded in 2006. Formerly the CeTIC was composed of three research divisions in communications engineering with more than 10 years worth of experience, to whom were later added two new divisions in early 2009. Its main goal is transferring technology between companies and the university and, as part of it, to teach and train students in communications. Our staff includes researchers (both internal and third-party), PhD, MSc and BSc students, along with other collaborating staff members. In the last 5 years our research strategies and results have been supported by more than 200 publications on scientific magazines and international conferences. All of them endorsed by our participation in more than 50 research projects, most being joint collaborations amongst international institutions and cutting-edge technological companies.
The contact will be a direct, operated by EG8ISS.
The event will also be broacast on streaming video at www.isscontact.eu .
The conversation will be conducted in English. Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows.
1. Laura (15): Can you tell me the different procedures that you must follow if you have an important technical problem? 2. Rodrigo (17): Are the effects of climate change on Earth visible from space? 3. Jorge (11): Has the station any way to simulate day and night so you know when to sleep? 4. Bethany (13): Can you see pollution on Earth from space? 5. Andrea (11): How old were you when you first thought of being an astronaut? 6. Adrian (16): How do solar storms affect the space station? 7. Abraham (11): Would a game console like the Wii work on the ISS? 8. Luis (23): Do you see sparks when you close your eyes as the astronauts in the Apollo program used to? 9. Daniel (25): What do you do in your free time? 10. Hector (25): What is the temperature in degrees Celsius inside and outside the station? 11. María (13): Have you seen the Canary Islands from space? 12. Juan (16): How are circadian rhythms affected by living in orbit? 13. Mario (11): Does food taste the same as here? 14. Laura (18): What will you miss most from space when you'll be back on Earth? 15. Paula (11): How long do you think it will take to inhabit other planets? 16. Nestor (24): If you established communications with a U.F.O. and you only had three words to describe humanity, which ones would you choose? 17. Varkha (17): What would happen if you found space debris on your way? 18. Victoria (15): What would you do if any member of the crew in the spaceship got seriously sick? 19. Christian (13): What is more important for the space trip: physical training or psychological preparation? 20. Esther (16): I would like to work for a space agency, what do you advise me to do?
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF ARISS Chairman
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | SP5MG | 03.03.2011 15:30:56 | ![poziom 6](star_icon6.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: KO02LG - Warszawa
Posty: 1346 #659263 Od: 2009-3-24
| Poszło jak po sznurku nawet Coca-Cola ich sponsorowała. _________________ Piotrek - SP5MG | | | sp3qfe | 03.03.2011 15:34:23 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #659265 Od: 2009-11-11
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Posżło pięknie... ale na początku nerwy były niepotrzebne Nie uwzględnili poprawki od czasu wyliczenia kontaktu, do rzeczywistego.... różnica była 3 minuty! Kontakt zakończyli, gdy ISS nadlatywał znad Oceanu nad Morze Śródziemnomorskie, zanim mógł być kontakt radiowy z SP.
Gratulacje.... widać był w tym perfekcyjny nakład sił i profesjonalizm!
A gdy ISS był już na Europą to ponownie miał włączony APRS, bo na ręcznym radiu odebrałem wiadomość od OK2BPU oraz pozycje HA3HT. Teraz sprawdziłem w logach APRSu, to tych stacji było znacznie więcej, no ale ja odebrałem tylko tyle .
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 08.03.2011 11:07:27 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #662081 Od: 2009-11-11
Ilość edycji wpisu: 3 | Przepraszam, że w ostatniej chwili...
Odbęda się dziś 8III DWA kontakty ARISS-Europa!
Pierwszy o 12.50 CEWT, a drugi o 14.25 CEWT (wstępnie był zaplanowany na wczoraj).
An ARISS School Contact was scheduled Monday 7 March for ICS Marco d'Oggiono, Oggiono, Italy. This contacts has been delayed and is presently scheduled Tuesday 8 at 11.50 UTC, which is 12.50 CEWT.
The event will be broadcast by streaming video on http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
The same day, Tuesday 8, at 13.25 UTC, which is 14.25 CEWT, an ARISS school contact is scheduled for Schulhaus Dorf, Richterswil, Switzerland. This contact, which was planned for Monday 7, has also be re-scheduled.
Downlink signals of these two contacts will be audible over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
--------------- ARISS Contact planned for NASA astronaut Paolo Nespoli with school in Oggiono, Italy
An ARISS School Contact is scheduled Monday 7 March at 12.59 UTC (13:59 CEWT) for ICS "Marco D'oggiono", Oggiono, Italy.
The Marco d'Oggiono school is located in the very centre of Oggiono, a small town of about 8,000 people near Lecco. The school is attended by 1140 students: 122 in the kindergarten, 630 in the elementary school, and 388 in the middle school.
The Middle School has a Science lab, a Music room, two Art rooms and two well-equipped computer rooms, one with an interactive board. There is a gym, a canteen, a students library and a teachers library. The Middle School has a team of 48 teachers. The subjects studied are Italian, History, Geography, Maths, Science, ICT, Technology, Art, Music and foreign languages: English, French, German and Spanish.
The contact will be a direct, operated by IZ2STR.
Downlink signals will be audible over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
The event will be broadcast by streaming video on http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
The conversation will be conducted in Italian. Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows.
1. Beatrice: fare questa missione ha voluto dire molti sacrifici; con quale energia hai potuto compiere questa scelta? 2. Francesco: che emozione ti suscita vedere il nostro pianeta da lontano? 3. Riccardo: come è andato il viaggio per arrivare sulla ISS? 4. Daniele: che tipo di ricerca devi compiere nello spazio? 5. Andrea: dopo la laurea che percorso hai seguito per diventare astronauta? 6. Matteo: cosa si mangia sulla ISS? 7. Francesca: che cosa hai provato vedendo la Terra dalla ISS? 8. Flavia: se ti soffermi a guardare fuori dalla stazione, a che cosa pensi? 9. Giulia: senti nostalgia delle cose e delle persone che hai lasciato sulla terra? 10. Claudia: che cosa hai provato quando ti è stato comunicato che saresti ritornato nello spazio? 11. Sara: come vivi il rapporto con gli altri astronauti della stazione ISS? 12. Luca: cosa si prova ad essere il primo italiano a rimanere in orbita per un tempo cosi lungo? 13. Alessandro: i tuoi familiari hanno appoggiato la tua scelta di andare sulla ISS? 14. Sara: sei preoccupato per il rientro sulla Terra? 15. Alessandro: quali pianeti vede dalla stazione spaziale? 16. Giulia: non ti crea problemi rimanere chiuso per così tanto tempo in uno spazio ristretto come la SS? 17. Anna: che cosa ti ha spinto ad andare nello spazio? 18. Silvia: volare nello spazio e come viaggiare nel mare aperto? 19. Andrea: quale sara il ricordo piu bello che ti porterai nel cuore al rientro sulla Terra? 20. Fabio: quali erano le tue emozioni al momento della partenza? 21. Hajiba: da piccolo sognavi di fare l'astronauta o l'idea ti e venuta da grande? 22. Nicolò: ti capita di avere qualche proccupazione a volte? 23. Isabella: e difficile convivere con l'assenza di gravita? 24. Marguerita: cosa pensano i tuoi famigliari del tuo lavoro? 25. Simone: quali problemi vi crea l'assenza di gravita? 26. Zovob: e se fossi da solo sulla stazione spaziale? 27. Sutlu: se avete mal di testa potete prendere delle medicine? 28. Christal: come fate a dormire? 29. Nicholas: sei mai uscito dalla stazione?
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | SQ5EBO | 09.03.2011 11:16:32 | ![poziom 1](star_icon1.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 26 #662684 Od: 2008-8-27
| Hej Znalazłem coś takiego z terminami łączności szkół z ARISS http://www.rac.ca/ariss/upcoming.htm .Wynika z niego, że 17 marca o 9.21 UTC będzie kontakt ze szkołą w Płocku. Pozdrawiam | | | sp3qfe | 09.03.2011 11:19:57 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #662686 Od: 2009-11-11
| Tak to prawda, ale jeszcze oficjalnej informacji od Prezydenta ARISS - Europa nie było. Informacje na stronie to plany... zmiany z ostatniej chwili idą w pierwszej kolejności przez e-mail. _________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 09.03.2011 11:41:48 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #662700 Od: 2009-11-11
| Tak więc po kolei... teraz oficjalne podsumowanie wczorejszego wydarzenia:
Tuesday, 08 March, 2011 at 11:50 UTC, i.e. 12:50 "Istituto Comprensivo Statale Marco D'Oggiono", Oggiono, Lecco, Italy, established a ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA on board the International Space Station. ESA astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The "Marco D'Oggiono" State Comprehensive School in Oggiono, province of Lecco, Italy, operated the contact with callsign IZ2STR.
The Marco d'Oggiono school is located in the very center of Oggiono, a small town of about 8,000 people near Lecco. The school is attended by 1140 students: 122 in the infant school, 630 in the elementary school, and 388 in the middle school. The Middle School have Science lab, a Music room, two Art rooms and two well-equipped computer rooms, one with an interactive board. There is a gym, a canteen, a students library and a teachers library. In the Middle School we have a team of 48 teachers. The subjects studied are the following: Italian, History, Geography, Maths, Science, ICT, Technology, Art, Music and the following foreign languages: English, French, German and Spanish.
ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to the radio contact coordinator in Oggiono, Lecco a direct contact with assistance by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD installed at Casale Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. Gianpietro Ferrario IZ2GOJ, radio contact coordinator for this ARISS event, decided in favor of a direct with assistance by IK1SLD telebridge station. The questions were read by the students at school where an audience of about 400 students, teachers and about 100 visitors and media assisted to the contact.
At 10:50 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was established by station IZ2STR. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 13 questions. Before the closing of the contact greetings were exchanged via IK1SLD. The signal from the ISS was loud and clear all the time.
Regional Television, local media and newspapers covered the event.
Streaming video counted about 50 connections on: http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News: http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEM9Z9XTVKG_Italy_0.html
Congratulations to both ARISS IZ2STR and IK1SLD teams!
Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF ARISS mentor
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 10.03.2011 07:59:45 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #663307 Od: 2009-11-11
| 12 Marca godz 11:22 czas lokalny kontakt ARISS ze szkołą we Włoszech.
ARISS Contact planned for NASA astronaut Paolo Nespoli with schools in Modugno, Italy
An ARISS School Contact is scheduled Saturday 12 March at 10.22 UTC (11.22 CEWT) for Scuola Media Statale "rancesco d'Assisi", Modugno, and Scuola 3 Circolo Didattico "Don Lorenzo Milani", Modugno, Italy
The "Francesco d'Assisi" Middle School is located in Modugno, a little town in the hinterland from the Adriatic coast not too far from Bari. The school is attended by about 300 students, aged from 11 to 14. The school also offers a variety of elective courses in the early afternoon, i.e. extracurricular activities. Priority is given to additional science, mathematics and Italian language courses, sports programs (such as volley), chorus and musical education, visual arts, publishing (student newspaper), preparation to mathematics competitions such as the annual "Kangaroo of Mathematics". The school has a gym, a small library and a number of laboratories: science lab, computer labs, graphic arts lab, music lab.
The Primary School 3rd Didactic Circle "Don Lorenzo Milani" is situated in Modugno (BA), not far away from Bari city (9 Km), chief town of the Puglia. The school comprises 6 levels : 3 of kindergarten and and 3 of primary school. In 2010/2011 the school accommodates 1,039 pupils of which 613 in Primary School aged 6 - 10 years in 32 classes, and 426 children in kindergarten aged 3 - 6 in 17 classes. The pupils attend class 6 days per week, 5 hours a day, on following matters : Italian, mathematics, sciences, geography, English, computer science laboratory, music, graphical arts.
The contact will be a direct, operated by IZ7RTN.
Downlink signals will be audible over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
The event will be broadcast by streaming video on http://www.cittadellamediterraneascienza.it/webtv/
The conversation will be conducted in Italian. Students (aged 10 - 14) will ask as many of following questions as time allows.
1. Rosanna: Quali suoni o rumori si possono ascoltare dentro la Stazione Spaziale? 2. Giuseppe: Pensare che tutto intorno è infinito che sensazione provi? 3. Matilde: Ci si puo abituare all'assenza di gravita? 4. Michele: Quale oggetto a cui sei affezionato hai portato con te sulla ISS? 5. Isabella: Come si vedono le stelle dalla Stazione Spaziale? 6. Alessandra: Gli Astronauti come regolano il giorno e la notte sulla ISS? 7. Domenico: Vi sono animali a bordo della ISS? 8. Rosalba: Ti piace di piu la gravita terrestre o l'assenza di gravita? 9. Maria Pia: Come si fa la doccia a bordo della ISS? 10. Domenico: Che tipo di esperimenti fate a bordo della ISS? 11. Fabiola: Come siete organizzati in caso di malattia? 12. Marco: Vorresti portare un tuo famigliare sulla ISS? 13. Francesca: Che sensazione si prova a dormire senza gravita? 14. Luca: Ti consideri una persona coraggiosa? 15. Pierpaolo: Cosa accade ad una goccia d'acqua che si perde sulla ISS? 16. Davide: Su Marte hanno gia mandato delle sonde, pensi che possano andarci anche delle persone? 17. Simone: A bordo ci sono sbalzi di temperatura? 18. Lea: Quando hai deciso di diventare astronauta e per quanto tempo ti sei allenato? 19. Giusi: E' previsto riciclare rifiuti organici a bordo? 20. Valeria: Dopo tanto tempo nello spazio si incontrano problemi al rientro sulla terra? 21. Silvia: Vivere sempre con la luce artificiale a bordo della ISS? 22. Giorgio: Negli spazi ristretti sulla ISS avete mai la sensazione di scomodita? 23. Giuseppe: E' fastidio galleggiare mentre si mangia? 24. Ylenia: Quali benefici porteranno all'umanita queste missioni spaziali? 25. Alessandro: Ci sono rischi di incendi a bordo della ISS? 26. Denise: Festeggiate le ricorrenze? Quali e in che modo? 27. Lucrezia. Praticate sport sulla Stazione Spaziale? 28. Michele: Il corpo umano puo sopportare un viaggio fino a Marte? 29. Michele: E' possibile fare turismo spaziale? 30. Davide: Ci sono problemi di disidratazione a bordo della ISS?
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | wip | 10.03.2011 08:21:00 | ![poziom 4](star_icon4.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 293 #663314 Od: 2010-5-27
| SQ5EBO pisze: Hej Znalazłem coś takiego z terminami łączności szkół z ARISS http://www.rac.ca/ariss/upcoming.htm .Wynika z niego, że 17 marca o 9.21 UTC będzie kontakt ze szkołą w Płocku. Pozdrawiam
Na razie zmiany terminu nie ma i szykujemy sie do wyjazdu do Płocka z młodzieżą z żuromińskiego klubu SP5PMD. My tez czekamy w kolejce do ISS. Wiesław SQ5ABG | | | sp3qfe | 10.03.2011 08:28:08 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #663318 Od: 2009-11-11
| Dla Tych co nie wiedzą, jest od dawien dawna założony wątek o ARISS Polska... przygotowaniach wyjazdach itp... Tu w temacie nasłuchów ARISS Europa zaczynają się oba wątki mieszać i ciężko jest śledzić, to co ma byc za chwilę i to co będzie za kilkanaście dni. Co Wy na to by dyskusję kotynuować we właściwym temacie, a tu zostawmy tylko kwestię nasłuchów i raportów. Za kilka miesięcy łatwiej będzie wszystko odszukać.
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | Electra | 17.02.2025 11:07:54 | ![poziom 5](star_icon5.gif)
![oczka](oczka.png) |
| | | sp3qfe | 10.03.2011 08:28:17 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #663319 Od: 2009-11-11
| No i kolejny zaplanowany na najbliższy czas kontakt słyszalny w Europie.... 12 March at 13:34 UTC (14.34 CEWT)
ARISS Contact planned for school in India audible in Europe
An ARISS School Contact is scheduled Saturday 12 March at 13:34 UTC (14.34 CEWT) for Shri Krishna Vithyaalayam Matric School, Pollachi (TK), India
The school is located in rural part of Tamilnadu state in India. The school has got a global partnership program with Westborough school in UK.
Mr.M.K.Anantha Ganesan, the founder and the Principal visited The Westborough school in September 2009. He is an amateur radio operator (VU3GPF). He visited the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society and is made a honorary member. Anamalai Amateur Radio Club functions from our school.
The contact will be a telebridge, operated by IK1SLD.
Downlink signals will be audible over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
The conversation will be conducted in English. Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows.
1. How many space walks are allowed and what purpose do space walks serve? 2. How long the astronauts have to undergo the endurance tests? 3. What type of food is taken by the astronauts? 4. How far the Chandra x-ray observatory is useful in studying exotic phenomenon? 5. What new construction is taking place in the ISS? 6. What kind of scientific and technological experiments are undertaken by the astronauts? 7. Please tell us about the emotional change that you undergo while spending moths together in space? 8. Could you please tell us if the space junk will hamper space travel? 9. What are your first impressions on seeing the mother earth for the first time from space? 10. What steps have been initiated to reduce the impact of radiation exposure to the astronauts? 11. What functions have been assigned to the Robonaut? 12. Can you explain the term microgravity and how astronauts cope with that? 13. What is your message to humanity as a whole and the students like us from India?
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 14.03.2011 09:13:27 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #665339 Od: 2009-11-11
| ARISS contact planned for schools in Poland
Thursday, 17 March 2011 at 09.21 UTC, i.e. 10.21 CEWT, an ARISS educational amateur radio contact is scheduled for several institutions in Poland:
1. The Scout Amateur Radio Club SP5ZBA Founded in 1968, on the air since 1970. Primary Club activities are HF digital and field operations.
2. Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock Almost 20 years of tradition. It is one of the oldest non-state universities in Poland. The university offers eight specializations: Administration; Computer Science; Pedagogic; Nursery; Political Science; Physical Education, Management and National Safety. Levels: BA and MA. A lot of courses at postgraduate level have been offered as well. Over 10000 students study at Pawel Wlodkowic University College every year at the main campus in Plock and two branches in Ilawa and Wyszkow.
3. Plock Scientific Society It was founded in 1820 and one of the oldest scientific societies in Poland. It is a regional and open type institution. There are also local departments in Sierpc, Wyszogrod and Leczyca. Directions: philological; historical; land engineering; communication and town planning; mathematics and computer science, nature environment protection; pedagogical; sociological; management and technical.
4. 2nd Private Primary School ZOK PROFESOR in Plock It is located in Pavel Wlodkowic University College in Plock campus. It is famous for its very high educational quality and partnership relations between teachers and pupils. It has highest qualified pedagogical staff and a great offer of supplementary classes.
5. Primary School in Liszyno: It is a little and safe school, without big city problems, located nearby Plock, in a forest ecosystem. No crowd, no traffic jams, high educational level, small classes.
6. Vocational Schools Complex No 2 in Plock It offers courses for specialists like electricians; computer technicians; electronics technician; and mechanicians on a vocational and a high school educational level. It also works as a complementary high school for adults.
The contact will be operated by amateur radio station SP5ZBA/5.
Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM
Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Jakub: What do you eat? 2. Miko?aj: How many people are there with you? How many could be on the ISS? 3. Maciej: How do you repair malfunctions on the ISS? What was the biggest one? 4. Rafa?: Did you see an UFO? 5. El?bieta: What do you do in your free time? 6. Aleksandra: What planets did you see? 7. Laura: How do you produce fresh air? 8. Ludwika: Why did you choose this Job? 9. Piotr: What do you know about Area 51? 10. Roza: How do you sleep? 11. Mateusz: How big is the ISS? 12. Jakub: Is there a toilet on the ISS? 13. Rafa?: Is it comfortable on board the ISS? 14. El?bieta: Would you like to come back to Earth now? 15. Aleksandra: What is the best view from Space for you? 16. Ludwika: How do you prepare for such a long flight? 17. Piotr: Is it difficult to wear a space suit? 18. Aleksandra: What is the most difficult task of your job? 19. Piotr: When and how will you come back home? 20. Piotr: Can you send us any photos from the ISS?
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF ARISS Chairman
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 14.03.2011 09:15:07 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #665345 Od: 2009-11-11
| ARISS contact planned for school in Bavaria, Germany
Thursday, 17 March 2011 at 14.06 UTC, i.e. 15.06 CEWT, an ARISS educational amateur radio contact is scheduled for Gymnasium Muenchen, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
The Luitpold-Gymnasium is a secondary school in Munich located near by the Englischer Garten. It was established in 1891. Famous alumni include the biochemist and Nobel Laureate Feodor Lynen, and journalist and recipient of the Buber-Rosenzweig-Medal Schalom ben Chorin.
Educational activities:
A special course space flight started in September 2009. 15 highly motivated students aged about 17 are learning about various aspects of aeronautics and are being introduced into the basics of scientific work. The planning of the scheduled radio contact was initially a collective project for this course. In September 2010 a project group consisting of students from different lower grades formed to assist their preparations. In two talks, members of the German amateur radio organization (DARC) gave a comprehensive introduction to amateur radio on the ISS. Many elements of the examination for the highest German amateur radio license (Technische Kenntnisse zu den Amateurfunkzeugnissen der Klasse A) are closely related to the physics curriculum and have been addressed in the respective grades. We are working with the ESA ISS Education Kit, e. g. with ESA Science (Newton in Space) Videos. In August 2010 three students presented the project at the Global Hands-On Universe Conference in Garching. A periodic newsletter called Countdown has been issued, with issue numbers counting backward, of course (starting with T minus 10 months (and counting). In this newsletter for pupils of all grades the proceedings of the project have been reported. In addition there have been news from the ISS, the members of the current crew, instructions to see the ISS, little contests, a glossary on amateur radio and so on.
The radio contact will be operated by amateur radio station DN2MQT.
Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Niklas: In the space station, do you dream of Earth or Space? 2. Daniel: What will be the first things youll do when you return to Earth? 3. Tim: What do you do when you get homesick? 4. Daniel: Peredaitje priwjet waschim kolegam Alexander, Oleg i Dimitri. Kak wy sotrudnitschitje wmestnje? (Greetings to your colleagues Alexander, Oleg, and Dimitri. How do you work together?) 5. Severin: Whats your favourite thing to eat on the ISS? 6. Dominik: Are you scared of the return flight or of everday life on Earth? 7. Lena: Do you think that the increasing commercialization of space travel brings a positive or negative effect with it? If you could choose who could come as a tourist to the ISS during your mission, who would you choose? 8. Raphael: Can you have a private life? 9. Natalie: Are there ever problems due to the long time spent working with the same people and staying in such a small and tight space? 10. Lizzie: Is it quiet or loud in space? 11. Tassilo: If you were separated from the station during an EVA, what would you do? 12. Alena: What do you do when youre ill? Ive heard that astronauts dont have any beds! That they just sit. 13. Alina: What do you have to learn when you learn to fly the shuttle? Do you have to do homework? 14. Marco: Is it warm or cold in the space station? And if it is warm, do you get sweaty in your spacesuit? 15. Mateusz: Has the ISS been hit by space debris? 16. Dariush: How was the lift off for you? How did you feel? 17. Jakob: Are there often arguments? 18. Thilo: How often can you communicate with your family? 19. Korbinian: What would you do if you lost contact with Earth? 20. Kilian: Does Earth look big or small to you?
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF ARISS Chairman
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 18.03.2011 21:15:29 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #668154 Od: 2009-11-11
| ARISS contact planned for two Italian schools
Saturday 19 March 2011 at 08:38 UTC, i.e. 09.38 CEWT, an ARISS educational amateur radio contact is scheduled for two Italian schools: SIP Cossar / Da Vinci in Gorizia and Elena Guerra Middle School in Rome.
"Leonardo da Vinci" Technical Institute includes also the Cossar institute for commerce. This school is located in Gorizia, North East of Italy, between the hills of Carso territory. The school has been built in 1920 and it offers the students workshops and electronic labs. There are about 450 students. For this contact the students had to design a receiver for the 2 meter band.
"Elena Guerra" School was established in 1950 and is run by "Suore Oblate dello Spirito Santo" ( Holy Spirit Nuns). It is a private School, comprizing a Nursery, a Primary and a Middle School. Educational policy is to have few classes, offering the students education not only from a didactic point of view but mainly for their growth as responsible human beings.
The radio contact will be operated by two amateur radio stations: IW3QKU and IKØUSO.
Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
Streaming video of the event will be broadcast on http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
Students, aged 14 - 19, will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Con quale tecnologia comunica frequentemente con la sua famiglia? 2. In un'intervista ha raccontato di essersi portato un libro. Quale ha scelto e perché? 3. Perché prima del volo tutti gli astronauti piantano un pioppo nel parco di Baikonur? 4. Lei ha dichiarato che sin da piccolo voleva fare l'astronauta. Quali difficolta ha incontrato per diventarlo? 5. Che tipo di addestramento ha dovuto fare e quale e stato il piu impegnativo per questa missione? 6. Quali requisiti bisogna avere per svolgere il ruolo e le funzioni di Specialista di missione? 7. Come cerca di mantenersi in forma? 8. In assenza di gravita, come si comportano le sue piantine? 9. Come si comporta léorologio biologico delle piante a 28.000 km/h? 10. Oltre 15.000 persone seguono la tua missione su Twitter e You tube. Che sensazione fa avere tanti fans? 11. Come le e venuta in mente l'idea dei "foto-indovinelli" e quale obiettivi si proponeva? 12. "Volare oh oh, cantare oh oh oh, inseguiamo insieme i sogni" ha scritto. Quali sono i suoi sogni per il futuro? 13. Nel 1969 Neil Armstrong arrivo sulla Luna. Secondo lei quale sarà la prossima conquista nello spazio? 14. Ci si puo ammalare nello spazio? 15. Che fine fanno i rifiuti prodotti sulla stazione spaziale? 16. Che aspetto ha la terra vista dall'alto? 17. Le e mai capitato di osservare un oggetto non identificato? 18. Come dorme un astronauta? 19. Come si svolge la sua giornata e come occupa il suo tempo libero? 20. Di quale materiale e fatta la tuta spaziale? 21. Quanto tempo si impiega per andare nello spazio? 22. Quanto dura una giornata nello spazio? 23. Che tipo di esperimenti sta effettuando nello spazio? 24. Come e composta una stazione spaziale? 25. Che impressioni ha, in questo momento, mentre comunica con noi, sapendo che ci divide lo spazio? 26. Le andrebbe di conoscerci una volta tornato sul nostro pianeta? (...)
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF ARISS Chairman
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 20.03.2011 23:19:20 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #669258 Od: 2009-11-11
| Przegapilem dwa włoskie kontakty 19 March 2011: SIP Cossar / Da Vinci in Gorizia and Elena Guerra Middle School in Rome slyszalne w Europie na 145.800 MHz FM.
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 20.03.2011 23:22:01 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #669261 Od: 2009-11-11
| I od razu informacja o kolejnym kontakcie na 23 marca o 12.16 UTC, czyli 13.16 CEWT Zaplanowany on jest dla dwoch włoskich szkol: Istituto Comprensivo di Verano Brianza i Scuola Media, Verano Brianza.
Istituto Comprensivo di Verano Brianza and Scuola Media offer three different school levels: kindergarten, primary school and middle school. The Institute is attended by 700 pupils in 36 classrooms.
Founded in late 1960s, the school was attended by Paolo Nespoli. Verano Brianza is a small town of about 7000 citizens not far from Monza, in the heart of a beautiful region called Brianza.
Verano Brianza is the place where Paolo Nespoli lived and where his relatives are living.
The radio contact will be operated by the amateur radio station IZ2TBX.
Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
Streaming video of the event will be broadcast on http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
Students, aged 3 to 14, will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Sabrina: Noi come suoi concittadini siamo orgogliosi di lei. Che emozioni prova a parlare con noi dalla ISS? 2. Elisabetta: Quali emozioni ha provato a partire dalla stessa rampa di lancio da cui, 50 anni fa, e partito Yuri Gagarin? 3. Alessia A: Qual e il cibo che ha portato sulla ISS? Forse un piatto di "casseoula"? 4. Daniele: Nello spazio molte cose che vengono svolte automaticamente sulla Terra sono difficili. Quali sono le piu impegnative? 5. Sara: A livello della fisiologia corporea (digestione, respirazione, circolazione
quali cambiamenti intervengono nello spazio? 6. Alessandra: Da quando e partito ha mai dovuto affrontare un'emergenza medico-sanitaria? 7. Cristian: Sappiamo che durante la missione e stato o sara sottoposto a diversi esperimenti: come si sente a essere una cavia? 8. Alessia B.: Siete riusciti con l'esperimento MATROSHKA a misurare i rischi delle radiazioni nello spazio? 9. Elena: E' possibile restare sulla ISS per piu di sei mesi o sarebbe troppo dannoso per il nostro organismo? 10. Sabrina: A che punto è l'esperimento della serra? 11. Erica: Qual è l'operazione piu gravosa che dovra svolgere durante la sua missione? 12. Stefano: Da quando e sulla ISS ha dovuto aggiustare qualcosa? 13. Matteo: La ISS puo essere colpita da corpi esterni? Se sì, come siete in grado di evitarli? 14. Giulia: Visti i suoi studi e la sua esperienza "spaziale", pensa che esistono altre forme di vita nell'Universo oltre la nostra? 15. Roberta: Cosa le manchera di piu dello spazio quando rimettera piede sulla Terra? 16. Chiara R.: Cosa le piace fare sulla ISS che sulla Terra non puo fare? 17. Vasile: E' mai uscito dalla ISS? Se sì, quale sensazione ha provato? 18. Marco: Ogni quanto tempo puo mettersi in contatto con la sua famiglia? 19. Silvia: Sarebbe fiero se i suoi figli intraprendessero il suo stesso lavoro? 20. Alessia: Quale degli esperimenti che sta conducendo la sta appassionando di piu? Perche? 21. Luca: Quali attivita svolge nel tempo libero? 22. Isabel: Ha mai avuto problemi di comunicazione con un altro astronauta? Se sì, come avete risolto? 23. Chiara M.: Quali sono le sue paure maggiori? 24. Chiara: Quando e cosa l'ha portata a diventare astronauta? 25. Gianluca: Cosa le piace di piu del suo lavoro e cosa meno? 26. Nicholas: Durante il suo lavoro le e mai capitato un imprevisto, se si quale? 27. Francesca: Ha provato piu emozione durante il primo o il secondo lancio nello spazio?
Informacja pochodzi od Przewodniczacego ARISS Europa Gastona Bertels'a, ON4WF. _________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 25.03.2011 20:46:57 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #672322 Od: 2009-11-11
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011 at 12:15 UTC, i.e. 13:15 "Istituto Comprensivo di Verano Brianza", Verano Brianza, Monza Brianza, Italy, established a ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA onboard the International Space Station. ESA astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The "Verano Brianza" State Comprehensive School operated the contact with callsign IZ2TBX.
Comprehensive Institute with three different school levels: kindergarten, primary school and middle school is attended by 700 children in 36 classrooms. Founded in late 1960s, this school was attended by Paolo Nespoli. Verano Brianza is a small town of about 7000 citizens, not far from Monza, in the heart of a beautiful area called Brianza. Verano Brianza is the place where Paolo Nespoli lived and where his relatives are living.
ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to the radio contact coordinator in Verano Brianza a direct contact with assistance by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD installed at Casale Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. Gianpietro Ferrario IZ2GOJ, radio contact coordinator for this ARISS event, decided in favor of a direct with assistance by IK1SLD telebridge station. The questions were read by the students in the school where an audience of about 200 students, teachers and about 50 visitors and media assisted to the contact.
At 12:15 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was established by station IZ2TBX. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 15 questions. Before the closing of the contact, greetings were exchanged via IK1SLD. The signal from the ISS was loud and clear all the time.
Regional, local media and newspapers covered the event.
Streaming video counted about 70 connections on: http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News: http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMITF3UFLG_Italy_0.html
Congratulations to both ARISS 'IZ2TBX' and 'IK1SLD' teams!
Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF ARISS mentor
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 25.03.2011 20:48:17 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #672323 Od: 2009-11-11
| To juz jutro Ambitni... 34 pytania! ![wesoły](/emot/icon_smile.gif)
ARISS contact planned for schools in Civitavecchia and in Aosta, Italy
Saturday 26 March at 08:54 UTC, i.e. 09.54 CEWT, an ARISS educational amateur radio contact is scheduled for two Italian schools: Istituto Comprensivo "G.Manzi", Civitavecchia, and Istituzione Scolalstica "Saint-Roch", Aosta, Italy
The "Manzi" middle school is located in the center of Civitavecchia, a port on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, not far from Rome. The school is the seat of the Presidency and Secretariat, includes 22 classes of middle school, 9 classes of primary school and 3 classes of kindergarten. It is attended by 500 students and pupils aged 3 to 14. The school has a computer lab and 6 classrooms are connected to the Internet and have a Multimedia Interactive Blackboard. The school offers a variety of elective courses in history, geography, mathematics, road education, computer and scientific laboratory, musical instruments and chorus, theater and cinema.
The "Saint Roch" school in Aosta has started three years ago the bilingual project (French and Italian) "Saint-Roch Etoiles" (SRE). This is an educational project addressed to teachers, pupils and their families in Aosta Valley, Italy. SRE is devoted to the study of astronomy and space sciences, which has until now involved about 600 students from different school levels (Infant, Primary and lower Secondary School). The project started in 2009, the International Year of Astronomy, under the patronage of the Regional Board of Education of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley, with the collaboration of the Fondazione Clément Fillietroz - ONLUS, managing the Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley (OAVdA) and the Planetarium of Lignan.
The radio contact will be operated by the amateur radio station IKØWGF.
Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.
Streaming video of the event will be broadcast on http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
Students, aged 11 to 14, will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Nicolo: Cosa si prova ad attraversare l'atmosfera? 2. Federico: Che sensazione si prova a stare rannicchiati dentro al razzo russo? 3. Maria: Quanto tempo ci vuole per organizzare un volo nello spazio? 4. Domenico: Qual e il primo esperimento che hai fatto sulla Stazione Spaziale? 5. Cristian: La prima volta che hai detto alla tua famiglia che eri diventato astronauta come hanno reagito? 6. Samuel: Cosa si prova ad essere il primo italiano ad andare nello spazio per tanto tempo? 7. Alessia: Avete difficolta a svolgere le normali azioni quotidiane sulla ISS? 8. David: Quale futuro per un astronauta dopo una missione di lunga durata nello spazio? 9. Anna Rita: Uscite mai dalla navicella spaziale? 10. Mattia: Soffri di vertigini nello spazio guardando la Terra dall'alto? 11. Franco: Quando uscite e poi rientrate dalla ISS, dovete aspettare prima di togliere la tuta? 12. Giulia: Fate qualche lavoro domestico? 13. Ciacco: Come si svolge una giornata quotidiana in una navicella spaziale? 14. Daniele: I pannelli solari della Stazione Spaziale ricevono dal Sole piu energia che sulla Terra? 15. Alessandro: Come funziona il sistema di propulsione sulla ISS? 16. Matteo: Quali oggetti personali hai portato con te per la permanenza sulla Stazione Spaziale? 17. Flaminia: Quando mangi le patatine nello spazio fluttuano nell'aria come delle colombe? 18. Federica: In quale lingua parli con i tuoi amici a bordo della Stazione Spaziale? 19. Federico: Che tipo di alimentazione seguite sulla ISS? 20. Veronica: Come si chiamano i tuoi colleghi astronauti sulla ISS? 21. Dea: Quanto tempo dormite sulla ISS? 22. Matteo: Sono distinguibili i colori nello spazio? 23. Federica: Cosa si prova a guardare i pianeti e le stelle dalla ISS? 24. Giuseppe: Per te esistono esseri viventi sugli altri pianeti? 25. Matteo: Mentre entravi nello spazio ti è capitato di non credere che stava accadendo proprio a te? 26. Sabrina: E' facile andare d'accordo per sei mesi con gli altri astronauti? 27. Metteo: Quando siete in missione, quale lavoro svolgete esattamente? 28. Sara: Per non volare mentre dormite, vi legate al letto o vi chiudete in un sacco a pelo? 29. Giulia: Come fate a lavarvi con l'assenza di gravita? 30. Giulia: Vi capita di giocare nello spazio? Come? 31. Patrizio: E' vero che in assenza di gravita le ossa diventano piu fragili? 32. Alessandro: Quanto e importante per te collaborare con le scuole? 33 Cristian: Come hai trascorso il Natale tra le stelle? 34. Georgiana: Ti mancano la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici? (..)
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF ARISS Chairman
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | sp3qfe | 04.04.2011 12:36:03 | ![poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO92he
Posty: 5323 #677861 Od: 2009-11-11
| Ambitni, ale im sie udało w dwóch przelotach, o czym nie wiedzialem w So .
_________________ Armand, SP3QFE, (SWL: SP3 27 235) PS. Z osobami, które nie chcą mi się przedstwić (nawet prywatnie) i "ukrywają swoja toższamość" nie dyskutuję. Nie chcesz publicznie, to przedstaw się poza forum.
Do U want to be HAM? Remember: Play fair on the air. | | | Electra | 17.02.2025 11:07:54 | ![poziom 5](star_icon5.gif)
![oczka](oczka.png) |
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