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sq9uu | 21.09.2013 21:05:29 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: Częstochowa JO90OS
Posty: 35 #1605460 Od: 2011-6-6
| Brakło mi jeszcze kawałek a balon odbierał bym z nad Budapesztu a i tak 352 km go odprowadziłem |
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Electra | 14.03.2025 10:28:45 |

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SQ7HJL | 21.09.2013 21:38:51 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO91QI / Bełchatów
Posty: 204 #1605493 Od: 2013-2-24
| t.janos pisze:
Good afternoon, we are in Hungary, my collegue, ha5nm Laci received some minutes ago the SP9UOB ballon. He sent me a wav file. Can I upload it somewhere? It contains cw: SP9UOB SP9UOB JN98JN JN98JN AST 7339m hg5apz, t.janos
We trust you. Don't must send file ;-) Ballon is in Hungary now (near Budapest). He look here: http://spacenear.us/tracker/ and find SP9UOB (blue label) _________________ Dariusz |
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sp9uob | 21.09.2013 22:56:53 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 1324 #1605527 Od: 2011-9-24
| t.janos pisze:
Good afternoon, we are in Hungary, my collegue, ha5nm Laci received some minutes ago the SP9UOB ballon. He sent me a wav file. Can I upload it somewhere? It contains cw: SP9UOB SP9UOB JN98JN JN98JN AST 7339m hg5apz, t.janos
Thanks for tracking. Could You raise Hungarian Hams please?
Here is complete guide for software setting: http://ukhas.org.uk/guides:tracking_guide
VY 73! Tom SP9UOB _________________ -- 73! Tomek |
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SP3OSJ | 21.09.2013 23:38:00 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 1174 #1605545 Od: 2012-10-5
| t.janos pisze:
Good afternoon, we are in Hungary, my collegue, ha5nm Laci received some minutes ago the SP9UOB ballon. He sent me a wav file. Can I upload it somewhere? It contains cw: SP9UOB SP9UOB JN98JN JN98JN AST 7339m hg5apz, t.janos
To nie jest afternoon! Po polsku to sie nazywa "brzuszek" _________________ ___________ Pozdrawiam Artur SP3OSJ |
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SQ7HJL | 22.09.2013 09:08:36 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO91QI / Bełchatów
Posty: 204 #1605651 Od: 2013-2-24
Ilość edycji wpisu: 2 | Chyba kolega z Węgier już nie wchodził wczoraj na forum, a może rozkminiają dl-fldigi. Wystarczył by chociaż QTH lokator ze znamiennika telegrafii. Wg prognoz balon spadł/spada na teren Serbii, ale pewności nie ma. Nie wiadomo co z baterią? Ostatnio podawane napięcie 1,23 V, ale te -25 st. C nie wróży zbyt dobrze. Z tego co pamiętam to przypięta do kapsuły karteczka zawiera też informacje w języku angielskim, więc jest szansa, że się ktoś skontaktuje.
Tomku czy to jest dokładnie taki balon jak na zdjęciu wcześniej, czy to ten piątkowy? _________________ Dariusz |
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t.janos | 22.09.2013 11:17:59 |
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 22 #1605728 Od: 2013-9-21
| Dear Collegues, Friends, In this moment we havenot enough knowledge/preparations, to follow/trak the small ballons. We have stations to follow radio amateur sats, but thei new field need some more skills. I made an alaert on our small, closed sat-tracking forum, about your nice arrived ballon yesterday evening. 3 amateurs received its telemetry, when it was crossing our country: HA6NM Laci, HA6NN, Andras and HA3JK0 Dezso. We have some soung files, recorded this transmissin. The last report was sept 22. 1.35 local time when Dezso snet report to our forum, he received strong signal. The ballon was in this time in Serbia. This morning, they didnot recived any signal. I think, we havenot any choice to hear it again. Many thanks for this interesting experiment, for this nice small ballon, and for the help, to preapere ourself to participate in this hobby... Best wishes: t.janos, hg5apz Budapest |
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t.janos | 22.09.2013 11:32:41 |
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 22 #1605744 Od: 2013-9-21
| Dear Friends, I try to summarize here some questions, practical questions, appeared in our group about your nice small ballon: Based on the picture http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico/smallpico7.jpg, it seems, it is a very small ballon, and small payload. Have you any source to buy this small ballon? and have any public documentations about the controller itself? If we know well, the power source on the ballon was 1 pice of a AA type alkali cell. What was the used power on the trasmitter? How long time is it enouth to transmit with this AA cell? What happened, when the power go down? Has it any chance to find it somewhere? best: t.janos
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SQ7HJL | 22.09.2013 12:09:28 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: JO91QI / Bełchatów
Posty: 204 #1605783 Od: 2013-2-24
Ilość edycji wpisu: 3 | t.janos pisze:
... We have some sound files, recorded this transmissin. The last report was sept 22. 1.35 local time when Dezso snet report to our forum, he received strong signal. The ballon was in this time in Serbia.
Can you read/decode from sound file CW identyficator last received QTH locator?
Balloon have label with owners coordinations data. Maybe somebody find his and contact with owner. _________________ Dariusz |
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t.janos | 22.09.2013 12:27:08 |
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 22 #1605792 Od: 2013-9-21
| I am sorry, I am affraid, the last coordniate not available, but I will ask my collegue. He arrived late night to home, he live near the Lake Balaton, started to receive it, and sent the report to the list some times: "I receive it, it sounds great, from direction 150 grade", but he didnot have decoder software to install, and didnot recorded the sound. He was HA3JK0 Dezso, and this happened midlenight, around 1.35, he was tired, and went to sleep... But at least it is know the ballon was "live" in this time. t.janos |
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SQ5NWI | 22.09.2013 12:47:49 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 719 #1605796 Od: 2011-5-30
Ilość edycji wpisu: 2 | t.janos pisze:
Dear Friends, I try to summarize here some questions, practical questions, appeared in our group about your nice small ballon: Based on the picture http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico/smallpico7.jpg, it seems, it is a very small ballon, and small payload. Have you any source to buy this small ballon? and have any public documentations about the controller itself? If we know well, the power source on the ballon was 1 pice of a AA type alkali cell. What was the used power on the trasmitter? How long time is it enouth to transmit with this AA cell? What happened, when the power go down? Has it any chance to find it somewhere? best: t.janos
Hi Janos. If you want to know all the technical details of the SP9UOB mission I would suggest you to ask directly Tomasz SP9UOB. Possibly he will answer to you even without asking , but that's the best way to get all the answers you need. Second way to dig deeper in the High Altitude Balloons matter is to subscribe UKHAS group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ukhas which is HAB funs community not only from UK, but there is a lot of experienced HAB enthusiasts. Also http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=highaltitude IRC channel accessible from http://spacenear.us/tracker/ is useful and allows you to ask question and almost immediately get an answer. Nice to see you in our "crazy" HAB community!  _________________ -- Pozdrawiam!
Krzysiek |
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t.janos | 22.09.2013 12:55:16 |
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 22 #1605803 Od: 2013-9-21
| Krzysiek, many thanks for your help, valuable links. I will start to study them. best, 73: t.janos |
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Electra | 14.03.2025 10:28:45 |

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sp6ryd | 22.09.2013 14:54:40 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
QTH: Wrocław
Posty: 3885 #1605907 Od: 2012-1-22
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Look at B-11 flight http://leobodnar.com/balloons/B-11/ solar rechargable battery, about 10g payload, and 187 hours flight :-) We are not 100% sure the flight is over, maby there are no SWL'ers to listen :-) |
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sp9uob | 22.09.2013 21:41:33 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 1324 #1606248 Od: 2011-9-24
| Już w domu. Część danych już obrobionych - poniżej kilka obrazków:
Poprawiona ścieżka: http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico6/foto/track.png Tutaj plik kml do pooglądania w google-earth: http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico6/pico6.kml
ciekawie wygląda porównanie altimetru ciśnieniowego z odczytem GPS: http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico6/foto/altitude-time.png
i jeszcze jeden wykresik: http://sp9uob.verox.pl/pico6/foto/wykresy.png
_________________ -- 73! Tomek |
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t.janos | 23.09.2013 09:21:49 |
Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 22 #1606476 Od: 2013-9-21
| Tomek, thank you for the new pictures, data series and graphs. I attached to them some comments on our forum here: http://forum.xham.org/index.php?topic=197.0 Your ballon was a good experience for us, its flight generetad many interests in our community, thank you for it! and congratulations!!!! Best, 73: t.janos You can reach me on my gmail address: hg5apz@gmail... |