Balonik PICO, sobota 21.09.2013 z Funki k. Chojnic
Dear Collegues, Friends,
In this moment we havenot enough knowledge/preparations, to follow/trak the small ballons. We have stations to follow radio amateur sats, but thei new field need some more skills. I made an alaert on our small, closed sat-tracking forum, about your nice arrived ballon yesterday evening. 3 amateurs received its telemetry, when it was crossing our country:
HA6NM Laci, HA6NN, Andras and HA3JK0 Dezso. We have some soung files, recorded this transmissin. The last report was sept 22. 1.35 local time when Dezso snet report to our forum, he received strong signal. The ballon was in this time in Serbia.
This morning, they didnot recived any signal. I think, we havenot any choice to hear it again.
Many thanks for this interesting experiment, for this nice small ballon, and for the help, to preapere ourself to participate in this hobby...
Best wishes:
t.janos, hg5apz