Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 7542 #8068828 Od: 2009-12-28
Ilość edycji wpisu: 2 | Przenieśli się na pejsbuka
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Don KB9UMT pisze:
Good Evening all 30MDG members,
With heavy heart I must announce that 30MDG will be SK (or at least our website/new memberships/Awards/UAAC etc.). Over the last 2 months we have not been able to recover our 30MDG server/files so since all is lost and can't be recreated no other choice but to let this go which is hard personally for me but thank you for your participation over the last 16 plus years (we had over a 50% participation level!!).......THANK YOU ALL!
I have been blessed with a great group Hams and to promote what I think is the best kept secret in Ham Radio the 30 Meter Band....with over 13,000 30MDG members (154 DXCC) over the years meet some great Ops so very blessed.
I would like to personally thank our 30MDG Award Managers that kept all this going working on their free time for hours over the months/years this has been going on so I hope some of you that were on the receiving end of the over 400,000 certificates issued will thank these guys as well...THANK YOU to Barry M0IOW, Richard PA3GWH, Darin VE3OIJ, Fred NZ4DX, Marc ON9TT, John K3JAE, Brian N2MLP, Al WB2JEP, Yuri R6KEE, Bill K3ABE, Fawaz A92AA, Jo DL1AB and Roberto IZ1TGH, Heinz DK5UR (UAAC)....and to those retired Rob ZL3RG, Laurie VK3AMA, John OE3JPK (Ultimate 30 U30 Award Program), Pez OE3EPW, Barry ZS2EZ, Larry NK2X, Kenny W5VMA, Paul M0IKQ, Dave NK7Z, Merle NM5MW, and hope I didn't miss anyone! THANK YOU 30MDG MANAGERS!
Ok time to move on and I for one retired now that 30MDG is SK....but you never know maybe someone would like to take this 30MDG task back up some day and start all over and a new so maybe we will just leave this 30MDG Group active for now so at least there might be a place to discuss or talk about the 30 meter band it is a great band that I have and many of you promoted over the years so hope to see you on the 30 meter band sometime!
Thanks -- Don KB9UMT 30MDG#00001 Founder/Award Manager-RETIRED
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