CQ WW WPX Contest
Juz dziś nocą start
Przeglądałem ostatnio komentarze do wyników zgłoszonych na reflektorze 3830 i wyczytałem, że CQ8X pracowała jako stacja zdalna - operatorzy byli w OH i używali stacji CR2X na Azorach. Organizatorzy dopuścili taki sposób pracy, jednakże żadne z 4543 qso z tych zawodów z CQ8X nie będzie zaliczone do DXCC.

Pełny komentarz:
Wow, what a weekend it was! Radio Arcala's engineers allowed a first serious
remote contest from CR2X station located 4500 kilometers away of actual
operating position - over the Internet. It was a blast running those endless US
pileups from Azores, while looking Northern Lights through window at home 65
degrees north. It presented a new challenge, following the words of Hamlet - to
be or not to be (there)?
With ever increasing antenna restrictions and noisier environments, going
remote is most likely way serious folks are going to utilize the current
technology for the common good. Radio Arcala is in the forefront of pushing for
IP address driven station building blocks, such as radios and amps, while our
vision is that each station accessory will soon have its own IP facility.
Running the highest continental QSO number (4543 QSOs) in first serious try of
remote operation shows the potential of remote. There's still room for
improvement and honestly one needs to say that World's not ready - but we're
one step closer.
Radio Arcala welcomes the approach taken by CQ Magazine's Contest
administration in blessing our future by allowing remote operations in
contesting under existing rules.
These QSOs does not count for DXCC but it does count for the true spirit of
Amateur Radio, being in the vanguard of state-of-the-art technology and its
See ya in next one, somehow somewhere...
73 de Toni, OH2UA/CU2KI

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