Zmiana znaku a potwierdzone kraje . |
Temat już był wałkowany na forum, ale przypomnę. W programie DXCC można zmienić znak i będzie to zaliczane pod warunkiem, że zostajesz w obrębie tego samego podmiotu (czyli SP). W formularzach wpisujesz nowy znak, a pod rubryką masz dodatkowe miejsce na wpisanie "ex callsign". -I recently changed my callsign. Will this affect my DXCC? No, as long as your new callsign if for the same DXCC entity as your existing DXCC award. (eg: If you move from Connecticut to Alaska, you are moving to a different DXCC entity. Here, your Connecticut contacts will NOT count towards your Alaska callsign. In this case you would start a new DXCC record from Alaska. But, if you ever travel back to the mainland USA you can still feed the USA award). With your next submission simply place your new callsign on the line on the application form where it asks for your callsign. Below this line there is a line for ex-calls. Place your old callsign(s) there. When we receive your application with the new callsign, your records will be updated. You can order a certificate with your new callsign on it for a fee of USD $10 per certificate. The number on the certificate will remain the same. |