Wszystko o co chciałeś zapytać Prezydium ale tego nie zrobiłeś
Tak, o te liczne ograniczenia chodzi i o to co dalej z "guidance to administrations" wyniknie w SP

W UK przewidują 'zmiany w licencjach'

Z opracowania DARC:

"• If the “measures” are reflected in national authorisations/licences:
• Amateur activities would be confined to those identified parts of the band.
• The remaining 53MHz (or 40MHz) of the band would be subject to such stringent
conditions that no sensible operation would be possible.
• Narrow band activities can continue in the top part of the band 1296 – 1300MHz
with some constraints and power limitations (compared to where we are today).
• For broadband applications (e.g. DATV) at least 3MHz may be available around
1257MHz also with power limitations.
• Analogue TV may be not possible[b] (depending on the outcome).
• Current voice repeater shifts [b]would be unusable
(although wider split could be
• In band DATV repeater outputs may not be possible (except maybe in the UK with
our extension to 1325 MHz).
• Amateur satellite operation possible in 2MHz of the band with power limitations."

materiały do zapoznania: - ciekawy opis przypadków interferencji - jedno z wczesnych opracowań odnośnie możliwych zakłóceń "OE białą plamą" na 23cm ? - skromny apel by być aktywnym na tym paśmie.