Flipper Zero delfinek :)
Wszystkie media.
W środku (w kwestii radiowej) zgrabne połączenie kilku czipów baterii lcd i klawiszy, bez 'alternatywnego' softu raczej zabawka.

CPU: to STM32WB55 (dwurdzeniowy M0+) ogarnia też pasmo 2,4GHz (Bluetooth itp.) oraz RFID 125 kHz (programowo)
Sub1GHz: (300-928MHz w 3 pasmach): to Ti CC1101 https://docs.flipper.net/development/hardware/schematic#t7n8l
NFC (13,56 MHz): ST25R3916-AQWT https://docs.flipper.net/development/hardware/schematic#en3i3

Dla naszych zastosowań średnio drogi.
FT8 raczej nie odbierze ,)
Może do sond meteo/balonów by się nadał, ale przy niskim bitrate (<, 600 baud) chyba też odpowiedni soft będzie wyzwaniem.

edit: fajne przełączanie filtrów 'SP3T' "BGS13S4N9E6327XTSA1"


podsumowując tu jest dobry opis https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/Flipper-Zero-explained-What-to-know-about-the-viral-hacker-tool:

"Flipper Zero has potential to be a security threat in the wrong hands. However, it is not inherently dangerous. To engineer a security attack would take a fair amount of planning and intent. Flipper Zero is better suited to light pen testing activities and general reconnaissance to gain awareness of the digital environment. For novice hackers, pen testing is the act of intentionally finding vulnerabilities in a computer system to fix the vulnerabilities and make the system stronger.

Flipper Zero is a learning tool primarily, designed to make cybersecurity information more accessible and change the way users think of the digital devices around them. Much of the technology and techniques Flipper Zero uses have been around for years. Flipper Zero just makes them slightly more accessible and user friendly."