Informacje o ARISS możliwych do nasłuchów w SP
Kolejne dwie łączności ARISS z Polski już niebawem. Poniżej przedstawiamy propozycję pytań jakie zostaną zadane podczas łączności z Gdańska i Żuromina. Łączność z Gdańska jeszcze w tym roku. Żuromin połączy się z ISS na początku 2012r.

Propozycja pytań do astronauty od SP2ZIE:

1. Is it true that various places on the station can sometimes host unwanted colonies of bacteria and mold? Are they a subject of research?
2. Is there currently an experiment on the station that involves growing protein crystals and if yes, are they different from the ones grown on Earth?
3. Are you doing an experiment on the station that involves the facility studies of fermentation processes in space?
4. Does your stay on board the International Space Station cause problems within your circulatory system?
5. Can astronauts grow their own vegetables on the ISS for eating? Have you done it?
6. What possibilities does the lack of gravity grant?
7. How does it feel to be flying in microgravity?
8. What were the different steps of assembling the ISS?
9. Do astronauts get earaches when being launched into space as I do when I'm flying on a plane?
10. Did you dream to be an astronaut when you were a child?
11. How do you feel when spaceship engines are starting?
12. How are you prepared for potential dangers on board the ISS?
13. Is it possible to see the Great Wall of China from the ISS? What else is well visible from Low Earth Orbit?
14. Are NASA astronauts involved in designing new private spacecrafts like SpaceX?
15. Do you celebrate national holidays on the Station, and if yes, how?
16. Looking at the Earth, how would you express your personal message to the inhabitants of this pale blue dot?
17. Do you prefer to be on Earth or in space?
18. I'm a student in the Polish Air Force Academy and I'd like to know what would be the best way to become a space-conqueror in the future?
19. Can you see northern lights from the ISS?
20. If you had two wishes as to how to make life and work on the ISS even more enjoyable and comfortable, what would they be?

Propozycja pytań do astronauty od SP5PMD

1. Is it cool to be an astronaut?
2. Are there night and day in space?
3. What do you do with waste?
4. What kind of planets can you see at the moment?
5. How do astronauts spend their free time?
6. Do you have an access to TV, news programs and the Internet on ISS?
7. What is so interesting in space for you?
8. How do you take a shower on the ISS?
9. How do astronauts eat meals in space?
10. How would you describe the feeling of flying into space?
11. What type of school did you graduate from?
12. How do you communicate with your family on ISS?
13. How does the ordinary day on ISS look like?
14. How do you feel after being weightless for a long time?
15. How do you celebrate the holidays such as Easter or Christmas in space?
16. Does the absence of gravitation has influence on perceiving hunger or thirst?
17. What was your first feeling after arriving on the ISS?
18. How long have you been on the ISS?

źródlo: http://ariss.rac.ca/upcoming.htm