BG7QKU to pracowity i zdolny programista, na swoim githubie udostępnia kilka interesujących rzeczy
BK4802P-4BANDS-FM-TRANSCEIVER-WITH-BLUETOOTH-CONTROL-BASED-STC8F-MCU Public BK4802N-STC-MCU-simple-control Public BK4802N MCU simple control STC8X-MCU-control-BK4802N-ssd1306-OLED-module Public STC8X MCU control BK4802N & ssd1306 OLED module,it can store 4 channels on MCU EEPROM. BK4802N-EEPROM-CALC-V0.1 Public STC8MCU_control_BK4802N-ssd1306OLED_-Showing-Sailor-Moon Public STM32_SIMPLE_CONTROL_BK4802N Public Using STM32F103C8T6 to control BK4802N to make a simple FM transceiver.