Nextion 3,5" skąd wsady tft? |
Panowie - może ktoś podpowie. Nie uzyskuję komunikacji pomiędzy Pi-Starem a wyświetlaczem Nextion. Po zainstalowaniu sterowników, mam komunikat z konsoli PiStar-a taki: [SPOILER]pi-star@pi-star(ro):tmp$ sudo NextionDriverInstaller/ + This seems to be Pi-Star ---------------------- Searching MMDVMHost ... ----------------------- + MMDVMHost found at /usr/local/bin/MMDVMHost + Searching MMDVMHost configuration file ... + MMDVMHost configuration file found at /etc/mmdvmhost + Transparent Data section found I Transparent Data Enabeled I SendFrameType enabled I Serial port for Nextion is /dev/ttyUSB0 - ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR: - MMDVMHost is NOT configured for NextionDriver !!! -------------------------- Searching NextionDriver ... --------------------------- + NextionDriver found at /usr/local/bin/NextionDriver I Nextion is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 + Nextion seems to be connected to an active port - MMDVMHost is NOT configured for NextionDriver !!! ---------------------------- Checking active programs ... ---------------------------- + MMDVMHost running with PID 2698 + NextionDriver running with PID 995 -------------------------------- | REPORT | -------------------------------- - MMDVMHost is NOT configured for NextionDriver !!! + The Nextion display must be connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 + MMDVMHost is running + NextionDriver is running pi-star@pi-star(ro):tmp$[/SPOILER] Sterowniki zainstalowane w/g przepisu A zrzut mojego MMDVMhost taki oraz zestawu testowego Co robię nie tak? |