CLAR w FT1000MP |
Darek, pewnie czytałeś manual, być może ten "typ tak ma". Jest wzmianka, wprawdzie nie dotycząca bezpośrednio Twojego problemu: The program can’t send CW via the MP’s serial cable. See the help for how to build a CW interface If the bandmap/frequency is not updating, the radio probably is in Mem/Tune mode. Deselect using the VFO/MEM switch. The program forces the radio at startup from Mem/Tune mode in VFO mode to avoid this problem. The indicator should show VFO. Use a straight serial cable 4800,N,8,2 and DTR and RTS set to “Always Off” A big issue with the FT-1000MP is that you cannot set the radio to split with VFO-B as the RX. Well, you can, but you cannot control whether you are listening dual, or just VFO-B from the computer. You can detect it, but not set it. The user will have to press the main RX button to turn off the main receiver when split from VFO-B. Note that Alt+F10 will swap VFO A & B frequencies. That is very useful in this case. Zaznaczam, że nie używałem FT1000. Z drugiej strony, w jakim celu używasz RIT/XIT w trybie S&P? Czy przy FTDx3000 miałeś podobny efekt? B. sp7ivo |