Komunikat UKE
zmiana częstotliwości?
A ja właśnie znalazłem ciekawy dokument "ECC Decision of 24 June 2011 on the harmonised use of frequencies for Citizens' Band (CB) radio equipment" – czyli, jak widzicie, bardzo "świeżutki".
A tam można przeczytać m.in., że:
This ECC Decision provides the necessary mechanism for CEPT administrations to continue their commitment to the frequency band 26.960-27.410 MHz for CB radio equipment and also fostering further harmonisation.
For the purpose of this Decision:
CB radio equipment means angle-modulated (also called before as PR27), Double Side Band (DSB) or Single Side Band (SSB) Citizens’ Band radio equipment operating in the frequency band 26.960 MHz to 27.410 MHz.
The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations decides:
1. that the purpose of this decision is to harmonise the usage conditions for Citizens’ Band (CB) radio equipment throughout Europe;
2. that CEPT administrations shall designate the frequency band 26.960-27.410 MHz (10 kHz channel separation), excluding the channels with central frequencies 26.995 MHz, 27.045 MHz, 27.095 MHz, 27.145 MHz and 27.195 MHz, to the application employing Citizens’ Band radio equipment;
3. that subject to decides 5 and 6 below, CEPT administrations shall permit free circulation and use of Citizens’ Band radio equipment;
4. that CEPT administrations shall exempt Citizens’ Band radio equipment covered by the present Decision from individual licensing;
5. that the maximum radiated power for Citizens’ Band radio stations shall be limited to 4 Watts for angle-modulation, 4 Watts (measured as a root mean square ) for DSB modulation, and 12 Watts (measured as a peak envelope power) for SSB modulation;
6. that this Decision replaces ERC/DEC/(98)16, ERC/DEC/(98)11 and ERC/DEC/(96)02 which are withdrawn;
7. that this ECC Decision enters into force on 24 June 2011;
8. that the preferred date for implementation of this ECC Decision shall be 01 October 2011;
9. that CEPT administrations shall communicate the national measures implementing this Decision to the ECC Chairman and the Office when the Decision is nationally implemented.

Przepraszam tych, którzy trochę gorzej z angielskim za tak przydługi fragment.

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Paweł SP7XFT
Źródło: http://www.erodocdb.dk/doks/doccategoryECC.aspx?doccatid=1