Problem z mocą Kenwood TS 590s
Zalecane napięcie dla ts-590 to 13,8 +/- 15% czyli 11,7V - 15,8V. Więc jak ustawisz 15V będzie lepiej.

kolejna sprawa zobacz jaki masz soft w radio. Aktualny to dla 590S : Firmware Version 2.05 z marca 2020roku

Kolejna sprawa to equalizer. Zobacz jego ustawienia w torze nadawczym, bo jak suwaczki masz obniżone to też będzie obcinać moc. Zauważyłem że jak dodawałem więcej basu to moc wychodziła większa.
oto przykładowe nastawy:

Dużo informacji i modyfikacji jest na stronach:

A jak już ostatecznie chcesz grzebać w menu serwisowym to może to ci pomoże:,,,20,2,0,0

Another anomaly I noticed was when I first turn on my rig (cold start) the SSB RF envelope does not peak at the 50 to 60 watt level until the rig warms up. After about 5 minutes the RF power then stabilzes at the low output power level. This was a real blow, such a nice rig with a devastating problem.

I tried many different combination settings on the speech PROC along with Kenwoods ARCP software to customize the TX Equalizer to boost the power level but to no avail. As a last resort I turned to the TS- 590 Service Manual for any clues. Menu 23 and 24 caught my eye. 23 - ALC reference, 24 - POC/Power.
I followed the procedure as outlined on page 68 and 76 for writing new data into the menus.

Here are the values that worked for me:

Menu 23 - original number 123, changed to 185
Menu 24 - original number 179, changed to 190

My TS-590S SSB power output level is now on par with my K3. The ALC level stays well within the recommened operating range. The rig still needs 5 minutes or so to warm up for proper power output. I can live with that.

My radio settings are:
Mic - 40
PRO.I - 50
PRO.O - 50

Now my TS-590S is a formitable adversary for the K3 and for all high performance radio manufactures. If Kenwood were to address the above mentioned problem they would have a gold mine on their hands, sales would rocket.

Dietmar VE3CG