DSP SDR Malachite Rev 3.97
Proœba o pomoc w usprawnieniu odbiornika Malachit
Pojawiło się nowe oprogramowanie:

- changed the inscription on the splash screen,
- changed the inscription of the Vbat control option - Standart is replaced by Standard,
- at the request of the users, the sensitivity of the wheelbarrow returned - please do not complain about the possible interference, we were not supporters of this return wesoły
- changed the setting of the reverse encoders. This is now one option on the hard menu,
- added autosearch of stations for Retroscale in VHF FM,
- added the option step "<,-NEXT->," on the Retroscale for transition by rotating the knob
from station to station (if available on the scale),
- added color selection (one of three) for Retroscale,
- added IQ swap option to the HARD menu - to solve problems with Chinese clones, in which I and Q signals are mixed,
- on the main screen the AGC adjustment is replaced by ATT,
- added a DC suppression adjustment function to the VISUAL menu - this is a hump in the center of the panorama.