ARISSat-1 kolejny satelita programu ARISS |
SQ7DQX, przeparszam że zadaje może głupie pytanie, ale gdzie przeczytałeś że ta bateria wytrzymuje tylko 5 cylki ?? Bo w tym linku który podałeś nie ma o tym mowy według mnie. PS Czytając te załozenia nie chciało mi się wierzyć, ale jednak tak jest: żywotnośc tych baterii to 5 pełnych cykli ładowanie/rozładowanie z okresem 1 roku po zalaniu elektrolitem... Znalazłem ciekawe info o strategii zasilania arisst-1 skoro tak jest a przecież codzienie na orbicie jest 16 cykli dzien/noc, warto poczytać (cytat z forum It is ... what it is. ARISSat-1 gets a ride aboard the Russian Progress re-supply vehicle, supports the Kursk scientific experiment through data transmission, uses the spare Orlon 825M3 (AgZn) battery provided by Russian Space Agency, gets into orbit via a toss from the ISS during a scheduled ISS EVA, and hopefully produces at least one month (or more) of enjoyable operations and experimental data/telemetry (e.g. Kursk, ARISSat-1). Excerpts of additional details are from Anthony Monteiro, AA2TX presentation last weekend on ARISSat-1 Power Management at AMSAT-NA Space Symposium. For ARISSat-1 electrical power, 6 solar panels and the Russian Orlon spacesuit battery, 825M3 will be used. The Russian 825M3 is a silver-zinc (AgZn) battery cell. Battery Life is an important concern for ARISSat-1. To have a positive energy balance, the battery energy provided during eclipse must be totally replenished during the sunlight / charging period of the ARISSat-1 orbit. The Silver-Zinc battery is only rated for 5 charge/discharge cycles in its LIFE ... but the Orlon battery on ARISSat-1 will see 16 cycles every DAY while in orbit ! To extend the battery life, you must limit the discharge current of the battery [Power Management is KEY for ARISSat-1 operaitonal life]. The operational limit of the 825M3 battery (its "wet-life") is specified as one year from the time it is filled with electrolyte. ARISSat-1 is expected to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere in about one year -- so this is not foreseen as a limiting factor. SO, how was this 1 month battery estimate determined ? Modeling and projections indicate that the battery should last about one month ~ 500 cycles (charge/discharge) -- IF the satellite's eclipse power usage is limited to ~ 7.5 watts. IF that eclipse power usage can be dropped to ~ 3.7 watts, it would double the battery life (2 months of operation). Battery failure is a shorted battery on the power bus (aka - Oscar 7's original fate) Anthony's (AA2TX) presentation ended with this statement: The power management function should allow the battery to last for at least 8 weeks and hopefully until ARISSat-1 re-entry. w9gb |