Ciężkie życie PZK wszystko o PZK, dobrze i źle |
canis_lupus pisze: (...) Szczególnie to fajnew kontekście tego, że jeśli chodzi o zdjęcia NASA i OPOR, to jakbyś zadał sobie przynajmniej minimum trudu, to byś znalazł, że materiały NASA są ogólnie "do użytku". W stanach wiedzą czym jest "reuse" z funduszy państwowych. Pomijam użycie loga misji, lecz w sprawie zdjęć NASA: News outlets, schools, and text-book authors may use NASA content without needing explicit permission, subject to compliance with these guidelines. NASA content used in a factual manner that does not imply endorsement may be used without needing explicit permission. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of the material. NASA occasionally uses copyright-protected material of third parties with permission on its website. Those images will be marked identified as copyright protected with the name of the copyright holder. NASA's use does not convey any rights to others to use the same material. Those wishing to use copyright protected material of third parties must contact the copyright holder directly. (...) Restrictions As a government entity, NASA does not license the use of NASA materials nor sign licensing agreements. The agency generally has no objection to the reproduction and use of materials it has made available to the public (audio transmissions and recordings, video transmissions and recording, or still and motion picture photography), subject to the following conditions: (...) It is unlawful to falsely claim copyright or other rights in NASA material. (...) If a recognizable former or Non-NASA person (e.g., a former astronaut or non-NASA talent) appears in NASA content, use of this content for commercial or promotional purposes may infringe on the person’s right of privacy or publicity. Permission should be obtained from the recognizable person in those instances. Żródło |