H O M E B R E W & O L D T I M E - E Q U I P M E N Kolejne zawody dla miłośnikó QRP i starych radji |
Ano takich: GUESTS : operators of homebrew or more than 30 years old equipment CLASS A : TX a n d RX are homebrew or older than 30 years CLASS B : TX o r RX are homebrew or older than 30 years (A homebrew or oldtime TX or RX may be completed by a modern commercial RX or TX) CLASS C : QRP-TX below 10 watts input or 5 watts output, homebrew or older than 30 years CLASS D : Only valved apparatus without semiconductors (except for power supply). No transceivers and no separates with transceive option. Equipment must have been marketed prior to 1965, or fully homebrewed complying with above conditions. |