DVAR Hot Spot 2.34
ach te znaki firmowe
Changes in version 2.56:

- Now compatible with registering to the new
dpns.dutch-star.eu name server

- New setting to auto disconnect from a gateway/reflector
after X minutes of idle time (idle = no RX from node adapter)

- Option to auto-reconnect back to Quick Tune - 1 after
auto disconnect

- Option to auto disconnect from gateway when an inbound
connection is made

- Option to auto-reconnect to previous gateway when last
inbound connection is closed.

- Linking options are now on a new settings window
(Edit > Linking Settings)

- Echo test

- Ability to filter by RPT1 & RPT2 when RF Access mode is
set to "Block all except"

- Improved settings layout for using DVAR Hot Spot to
provide D-Plus linking for stand alone D-STAR repeaters
