HRD + FT450D + U5 Link |
Spróbuj jeszcze tego: Z Forum HRD "Either way, you need to make sure that the radio, serial port, and HRD are ALL set to the same settings. Radio FT-450: CAT RTS Enable CAT TOT 10 CAT RATE (to whatever you choose, but MUST match the serial and HRD.) I'm using 38400 at the moment. Serial Port: Bits per second (must match) 38400 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bits 2 Flow Control None HRD: Yaesu FT-450 Select the correct Com port ->, w Twoim przypadku COM5 Speed (must match) 38400 and check RTS ->, zaznacz RTS " Daj znać jak poszło. |