Jutro rano wysyp "Alfa Monocerydów"
Dla bezsennych meteoroscatterowców :)
Cyt, po angielsku:
    P.Jenniskens pisze:

    P. Jenniskens, SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center, and E.
    Lyytinen, Helsinki, Finland, report that a significant return of the alpha
    Monocerotid meteor shower (IAU shower 246, AMO) is expected on Nov. 22,
    centered at 4h50m UTC. Past dust-trail calculations (cf. Lyytinen and
    Jenniskens 2003, Icarus 162, 443) were re-evaluated assuming now that past
    outbursts were caused by the one-revolution dust trail of a long-period
    comet with a shorter orbital period of about 500 years. From this, the 2019
    encounter is expected at solar longitude 239.308 degrees (equinox J2000.0),
    and the earth is expected to cross the dust trail slightly further out from
    the sun. If the trail was crossed through its center in 1925 and 1935, then
    the earth passed 0.0002 AU from the trail center (inside the trail) in 1985
    and 1995. The heliocentric-distance difference of dust trail minus earth
    orbit will be -0.00016 AU in 2019. Because the uncertainty of where the
    trail center is, the distance could range between -0.00036 and +0.0000 AU.
    Depending on that distance, peak rates in 2019 could be about similar to, or
    in excess of, those observed in 1995, when the zenith hourly rate was 400
    meteors/hr in the minute centered on the peak (cf. Jenniskens et al. 1997,
    Ap.J. 479, 441). Past dust-trail encounters were very brief, with a
    full-width-at-half-maximum of only 0.29 hr.