SWL ARISS - ISS Informacje o ARISS możliwych do nasłuchów w SP |
W dniu wczorajszm Przewodniczący ARISS (Gaston ON4WF) publicznie i oficjalnie poinformował, że najbliższy kontakt ARISS odbędzie się ze szkołą we Włoszech i jest zaplanowany na 6 IV 2010 (10:47 UTC, czyli 12.47 CEST). Oto szczegóły: ARISS CONTACT PLANNED WITH DE GASPERI SCHOOL, BARI, ITALY An ARISS school contact is planned with participants at Scuola primaria De Gasperi, Noicattaro, Bari, Italy. This is a public primary school named after Alcide De Gasperi. It is attended by about 700 pupils, aged between 6 and 11 years. In addition to the standard activities, the school offers the opportunity to attend optional activities in the afternoon; these cover English language, music, sports, theatre, science, ecology, and other artistic and research activities. De Gasperi school dedicates the radio contact with the ISS to the celebrations of the centenarian of the Nobel prize bestowed on Guglielmo Marconi. The contact site is located at Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza and promoted by the University of Bari. The Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza is a permanent structure whose main aim is to diffuse scientific culture and its related technologies. This direct contact is scheduled Tuesday 6 April 2010 at 10:47 UTC, which is 12.47 CEST. The ground station will operate with call sign IZ7EVR. Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz FM. Participants will ask as many of following questions as time allows: 1. Giuseppe: Which experiments are you carrying out during your mission? 2. Simona: Is it always dark in Space or do you have the alternation of day and night? 3. Nicola: Do you see other planets from the ISS? 4. Michele: How does the coupling between the Soyuz and the ISS work? 5. Vito: Who is the pilot of the ISS? 6. Ilaria: Are your meals onboard the ISS similar to those on Earth? 7. Daniele: Why do you wear the space suit outside the ISS? 8. Domina: Why is the ISS composed of many modules? 9. Daniele: Where do you deposit your waste on the ISS? 10. Viriana: At what time are the daily rest periods of the astronauts? 11. Antonio: What does your daily working plan look like? 12. Nicola: Is your cardiac rhythm in Space the same as on Earth? 13. Stefania: How do you communicate with your relatives? 14. Mariangela: Why have you always to do physical training? 15. Vito: What is the actual size of the ISS? 16. Annalisa: What temperature is inside the ISS? 17. Eliana: How do you produce the electric energy on the ISS? 18. Francesco: Is it possible for a pet to live onboard the ISS? 19. Alessandra: Is it possible to use a mobile phone on the ISS? 20. Alexandra: How do you wash yourself? 21. Alberto: Can the ISS avoid any impact with meteorites? 22. Francesca: What are the steps to become an astronaut? 23. Milena: How long does the training before the mission to the ISS last? ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries. ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning. 73 Gaston Bertels - ON4WF ARISS Chairman |