Indian Ocean beacon project
An Australian ham radio group has set up a beacon to investigate if there is any VHF ducting between Australia and South Africa. Beacon VK6RIO is located in Perth, W. Australia and operates on 144.950 MHz. The beacon transmits 100 watts into four 8-element Yagis with digital Chirp modulation. This special modulation scheme can be detected some 50 dB below the noise floor.

The beacon is GPS locked both in frequency, time and Chirp synchronisation. In order to detect the Chirp beacon, the receiving station requires a GPS locked Software Defined Radio (SDR), a GPS locked 144 MHz down-converter and 1 PPS signal from a GPS receiver to time stamp received signals. Open source PC software by Hermann, DL3HVH, shall be made available for processing the received signals.

No no.. taki SDR to już nie żarty oczko