Uprawnienia do obsługi urządzeń i użycia znaków oraz nasze osiągnięcia to jakby dwie osobne kwestie - z jednej strony aspekty prawne, a z drugiej wewnętrzna umowa pomiędzy operatorami (regulamin dyplomy/współzawodnictwa).
Na przykład do DXCC liczą się także łączności zrobione na stacji przez osobę inną niż posiadacz licencji.

10. All contacts must be made using call signs issued to the same station licensee. Contacts made by an operator other than the licensee must be made from a station owned and usually operated by the licensee, and must be made in accordance with the regulations governing the license grant. Contacts may be made from other stations provided they are personally made by the licensee. The intent of this rule is to prohibit credit for contacts made for you by another operator from another location. You may combine confirmations from several call signs held for credit to one DXCC award, as long as the provisions of Rule 9 are met. Contacts made from club stations using a club call sign may not be used for credit to an individual's DXCC.