problem po wymianie bateryjki
po włączeniu stoi nośna.

It seems that when these nice portable radios age, they develop a "common" problem. Two of my friends asked me to take a look at their poratable VHF/UHF radio, the Standard C528. Both radios were over 15 ears old and repairing by a "expensive" shop was out of the question.

The radio starts transmitting the instant it is turened on (might have to be reset first, button under rubber on right side). I have tried quite a lot of things trying to fix this problem, I even made a modification to get it working. But it seemd I got things wrong. There was a leak in the capacitors for the audio output.

First we open the housing by removing 4 srews. There is no need to remove the knobs on the top.

After opening the housing, one can easily reach the microphone in the front.
Remove the microphone + (white) wire and try if the radio works correctly (no modulation).
If the radio works correct, there is a big chance you have some defectice capacitors.

On the main board, there are 3 capacitors near the PTT switch. These 220uF capacitors seem to short out a little, this completes the PTT circuit.
Replace these capacitors and clean the PCB because the could have leaked.

Do not forget to place the microphone wire back, wich you removed for testing if the radio has the same problem as mine.

Czyli po naszemu:
Po rozmontowaniu TRX odłączasz biały kabelek od MIC elektretowego. Jeśli problem z TX ustąpił po tym odłączeniu należy wymienić 3 elko w okolicach PTT - oczywiście później podłączyć ten kabelek do mikrofonu.
Właśnie mam taką awarię na tapecie stąd fotka:

Jeśli kondensatorki wylały należy oczyścić płytkę z elektrolitu i ewentualnie polutować zeżarte połączenia ścieżek i przelotek.

Errata - 220u/6.3V (na fotce omyłkowo wpisałem 220u/16V)