Kalendarz wydarzeń na pasmach, wrzesień 2018
Imprezy, stacje DX-owe i okolicznościowe
IARU R1 Fieldday – Rules
1. Objective

The IARU-Region-1-Field Day is an excellent opportunity for club activity in varied areas, such as antenna design, construction and erection, generator maintenance and, increasingly, computer expertise without regular power lines and fixed antennas.
2. Contest periods

CW : first (full) weekend in June - Saturday 15.00 UTC to Sunday 14.59 UTC (2018: 02.-03. june)
SSB: first (full) weekend in September - Saturday 13.00 UTC to Sunday 12.59 UTC (2018: 01.-02. september)
3. Bands

1,8, 3,5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz

Contest preferred segments:

CW: 3.510 - 3.560, 7.000 - 7.040, 14.000 - 14.060 MHz
SSB: 3.600 - 3.650, 3.700 - 3.800, 7.060 - 7.100, 7.130 - 7.200, 14.125 - 14.300 MHz