różnice pomiędzy TS-450 a TS-850 |
Z innego forum: "Observed differences: 850S has 3 AGC settings, plus "OFF." 450S has no provision to turn off AGC. 850S has full CW QSK (if you turn off the amplifier keying relay), 450S does not offer this. 850S has a modulation monitor so you can listen to your own modulation on SSB, 450S doesn't. 850S has an IF notch filter, 450S notch filter is AF (audio) only. 850S has high-cut/low-cut IF slope tuning, 450S lacks this feature. 850S has built-in CW keyer standard, 450S doesn't. 850S has an optional plug-in digital voice recorder, 450S doesn't. 850S is easier to integrate with external VHF-UHF transverters, if you wish to. 850S has IF out, so you can run a band scope or monitor the rf signal off the air. 850S can transmit through the filters, with independant settings for TX and RX. As I recall those are the main differences. " |