Radioddity GD-77
W FAQ GD-77 sa informacje na temat uzywania zewnetrznego mikrofonu:

I have a Baofeng / Kenwood / other speaker microphone, will it work with the GD-77?

If it fits in the speaker microphone socket of the GD-77, then it most likely will work.
Just bear in mind the issues with DMR transmissions and pulsed RF getting back into
the microphone, some microphones are better than others for this.

When using a speaker microphone, my transmitted audio in FM is good, but
sounds horrible in DMR mode. Whats going on?

DMR transmissions are pulsed RF, which are very prone to causing interference to
other devices. In this case, the pulsed RF is getting in to your speaker microphone
audio. A good quality speaker microphone, designed for DMR radios, is the solution.
Alternatively, you can modify your existing speaker microphone with a RF decoupling
capacitor directly across the microphone insert and adding an inductor in line with
the microphone insert to keep the pulsed RF interference in check.