FT8 mode od K1JT
    HF1D pisze:

    Robert. Pasmo 60 metrów możesz sobie po prostu wpisać wesoły
    W czym problem?

Tak wpisałem oczywiście, ale tak informacyjnie ciekaw byłem dlaczego zostało wycięte.
Taką odpowiedź otrzymałem z forum:

Hi Robert,

due to many instances of WSJT-X users operating outside of their allowed allocations 60m we have decided to remove all 60m suggested working frequencies from WSJT-X. This does not mean WSJT-X cannot be used on 60m but we feel that users should be knowledgeable enough, or educate themselves, to add suitable working frequencies to the WSJT-X working frequencies table. Due to the many different and incompatible allocations in different regions and countries it is impossible to suggest a single or even per IARU region coordinated frequency for any mode on 60m. Users must set a suitable USB dial frequency and also ensure that any audio offset chosen to operate on and mode used maintains compliance with their licence conditions.


PS: potwierdzam, skok czułości, wczoraj na 6m zdekodowałem -24