Usterka TS450S |
Ukryte funkcje w TS450S Print Print this article. A new window is open. As users of the Kenwood TS-450S already known it is possible to configure the set to personel needs by hold down some buttons during Power on. There are three buttons listed in the manual. The menu of Power ON + LSB/USB is listed on page 54 from the manual The menu of Power ON + M.IN is listed on page 55 The menu of Power ON + ENT is listed on page 83 As often usual in microprocessor controled equipment there are hidden keyboard combinations who make it possible to configure more functions then is listed in the manual. At Power on + CLR + ENT a reset to factory defaults is taken place. All memory programming is lost ! All filters are available (also these who are not fitted) But there is something more!! The receiver is able to receive from 30 kHz to 40 MHz Transmitting is possible on 1620 kHz to 2000 kHz 3500 kHz to 4000 kHz 7000 kHz to 7500 kHz 10.0 MHz to 10.5 MHz 14.0 MHz to 14.5 MHz 18.0 MHz to 19.0 MHZ 21.0 MHz to 21.5 MHz 24.5 MHz to 25.0 MHz 28.0 MHz to 30.0 MHz Unfortunately after power off and switching on the programming is returnd to the most of the old values, but the 100 memory places are still empty. So one advice before start of experimenting note the contens of the memory places and configuration on a piece of paper, and read the "F" manual . Until now I do not have a method to program the expanded receiving and transmitting frequencys into the TS-450S. If someone knows how to do this plaese let me know. |