Kominikacja Omnirig -> IC7300
Dzięki zaangażowaniu i wsparciu kolegów SQ6NEJ i SQ6VIA rozwiazałem problem!
Kuba i Mirku - DZIĘKI!

Kluczowa okazała się wskazówka w wątku, do którego "dokopał" się Mirek:


Niby prozaiczne, ale chyba na wstępie tak namieszałem w ustawieniach radia że trudnością okazał się powrót do normalności wesoły

Niemniej gdyby ktoś znalazł się w podobnej sytuacji to poniżej ma "gotowca".

Set computer Baud rate at 19200 8/N/1 with None selected for the Hardware Handshake(XON/XOFF or CTS/DTR) on the
COM port associated with the USB port. (Note: 9600 for the baud rate works better for some older PCs) For the PTT
Method I used DTR on port COM2 and set the mode to Data/Pkt with the Split Operation set as Rig
Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge
I set this to COM2 but other COM ports should work
Select ICOM 7700 as the radio type in Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) I use the free edition. The pay version probably supports
the IC-7300 directly, and more fully. (Optional - Edit down the buttons to get rid of the 4 antenna ports, since the
IC7300 has only on Antenna port, and a few other buttons that you may want to change in Ham Radio Deluxe)
After making sure that is set up correctly Here is what you should set up your free edition of Ham Radio Deluxe, and
what it should show. Note that some people’s set up prefers the slower 9600bps speed, so you may want to try that
first and then move up to 19,200 if your pc to IC-7300 set up will allow it to function without problems.

Next go into the IC-7300 and change the following from the Default Settings in the IC-7300. But please make a backup of
all of your IC-7300 settings to the radio’s integrated SD card before you change any of these setting on your IC-7300.
MENU >> SET >> Connectors >>ACC/USB AF Output Level set at 34 percent (prevents overdrive of the signal)

>> USB MOD Level set to 40%
>> DATA OFF MOD is left at default MIC,ACC
>> DATA MOD set to USB
>> CI-V >> CI-V Output (for ANT) ON, CI-V USB Port set to Link to Remote

>> USB Serial Function set to CI-V
>> USB SEND is set to DTR
>> USB Keying (CW) set to off (I need to test if this is really needed.)
>> USB Keying (RTTY) set to Off (I need to test if this is really needed.)

Also check out the YouTube video from Tomasz Miklas @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dOv0Id2n4Y which I
thought was very helpful in figuring out the settings in the IC-7300OO
