OK-OM DX CW Contest 2017 już jutro! |
Jutro i w niedzielę kolejne zawody, tym razem OK-OM. Więcej informacji poniżej: Predmet: OK-OM DX CW Contest 2017 Dr OM, Please accept our invitation to participate in - OK/OM DX SSB contest organized by Czech radioclub CRC in cooperation with Slovak radioclub SARA. The contest is held the this weekend. The real new thing is that it is not limited to OK/OM working the world as is the CW leg with well over half a century tradition - the new SSB leg has completely different rules i.e. everyone works everyone ! Please have a look at the rules and list of contest loggers supporting the contest. http://okomdx.crk.cz/index.php?page=englis We do hope to work you all this weekend ! 73 ! Jiri - OK1RI president CRC & Petr - OK1FFU OK-OM DX SSB Contest director |