Yaesu FT-2000 E/D
Ech...latka lecą a FT-2000 (AKA mark2) wciaż ma na eham 4,7 rating....zakręcony

"Well let me tell you this I have tested a lot of radios in my time and I have to say that the FT-2000 is a great radio. It isn't perfect obviously but for the price it is pretty good. In this moment of my life I have an Icom-7300 and I wanted something that could be a real base station radio (thing that the icom is not) and still could be good enough to compete with the IC-7300.
After a lot of deliberation I decided that the only radio that I could buy that didn't cost me more than $1500 and could maybe perform something like the IC-7300 would have been the FT-2000.
I went and purchased the unit and when I got it online my first impressions were very good but not great.
I thought that the radio had very good ergonomics, probably one of the best I have ever tested. I thought that the looks of it where superb, but the materials used to make the knobs and buttons feel a bit on the cheap side compared to Icom.
Never the less the radio looks and feels good.
On the T/R side the FT-2000 performs very well but not out of the box. As everyone stated the radio needs to be adjusted (I don't even understand why the default settings are so bad). You need to adjust most of the receive menu as well as the TX ones, but once you have done so you have a very silent receiver, with a pleasant warm modulation, and an incredible transmitting audio.
I have to say that the IC-7300 has a better Noise Blanker and because of that is't sometimes better for low signals, but truth is that the audio is much more metalic and cold, and 95% of the time I just rather work with the FT-2000.
So what if I had to keep just one radio? Probably the FT-2000 would win my heart.
Wish I had a chance to test the FT-5000, maybe in the future when prices go down..

Une tam w tych hamerykach sie zapewne nie znajom...

Pewnie że FT2K ma wady, ale już wersja od 2010 (PEP2K) ma mniejsze. Jak walczę w splicie (2 RX)
ze słabym sygnałem DX-a (kontur) mogąc błyskawicznie gałkami dokonywać wszelkich korekt to ja w tyłku mam
superchiperdynamiketzreciegorzedu gdzie przy byle pierdole do przestawienia musze wchodzić w trzeci poziom menu... pan zielony
Mogę żyć ze słabym NB, dołozyc filtr AC0C i mam mega ergonomiczną stację z drugim RX, funkcją kontur (przydatna jak diabli)za ok 6 klocków. Jak mi mikołaj dołoży z 10, to może rozważę 7610 a już na pewno FTDX5000. pan zielony