Cross yagi |
EI2KK pisze: I to jest chyba najblizsze antenie o ktora prawdopodobnie autor tematu pyta.. dlugosc nieco mniej niz metr.. 95.25cm.. ilosc elementow na 2m = 3, na 70cm = 7, razem 10, czyli srednia na pasmo 5 elementow.. co prawda wstretny producend dokladnych wymiarow nie chce podac, ale mozna isc tym tropem i moze wygoogla sie cos lepszego niz logperiodic z widelcow.. na zupelnie inne pasmo jak sadze... ródło strona xe1mex: Construction Details Assuming that you have downloaded the program and it is running properly, what I can share with you (just to save time) are the program results for the specific parameters and material that I had available at home: Center VHF frequency: 145.850 MHz Center UHF frequency: 436.800 MHz Number of elements: 8 in UHF (10.5 dBd gain), 4 in VHF (6.46 dBd gain) Boom diameter: 22 mm Elements and gamma pipe diameter: 9 mm VHF elements lenghts: R=1017 D=972 D1=917 D2=906 VHF elements spacing: R to D=380, D to D1=162, D1 to D2=370 UHF elements lenghts: R=349 D=325 D1=303 D2=298 D3=292 D4=287 D5=285 D6=282 UHF elements spacing: R to D=127, D to D1=54, D1 to D2=123, D2 to D3=148, D3 to D4=173, D4 to D5=193, D5 to D6=207 The reflectors are mounted 15 mm (VHF) and 25 mm (UHF) from reflector center to the boom edge (thanks to XE1YJS for his correction !- Feb 2, 2002). REMARKS: All dimensions are in millimeters, all elements are made of aluminum pipe, R=reflector, D=driven, D1 to D6=directors, all spacing between elements is from center to center, elements are mounted over the boom (not through the boom) and they are not isolated to the boom. I used a teflon rod (430 mm long, 100 mm inserted into the boom edge) as arm/hand can use whatever you have -non conductive of course-. I used those aluminum pipe diameters because they were available at home, but I strongly recommend you to use thinner pipes (perhaps rods) to make a not so heavy antenna...your arm will thank you in case you like to have long radio contacts. If you do so, do not forget to re-calculate with the actual elements and boom diameters. |