3 - 4 września 2016r.
    sq8mhi pisze:

      canis_lupus pisze:

      Swoją drogą - jak liczycie punkty? Żeby wrzucić log na PK-UKF trzeba wypełnić pole CToSc. Jak to liczyć?

    Pewnie wg. handbooka, podawanego jako "regulamin":
    5.3.9 Scoring
    For the amateur bands up to 10 GHz inclusive, points will be scored on the basis of one point per kilometre, i.e. the calculated distance in kilometres will be truncated to an integer value and 1 km will be added. The centre of each locator square is used for distance calculations. In case that only a 4-character locator has been received (50 MHz), the contact is invalid. In order to make contest scores comparable, for the conversion from degrees to kilometres a factor of 111.2 should be used when calculating distances with the aid of the spherical geometry equation (Noordwijkerhout, 1987).
    All QSOs including unique QSOs shall count for points even if they only appear in the log of one contest entrant (Varna 2014)

A co tam chcesz wpisywać ? Przecież program logujący podlicza Ci punkty . Najprostszy DQRlog ma możliwość wpisania qso offline ( po zawodach)