The direct sampling technology in the IC-7300 makes excellent performance affordable. The Reciprocal Mixing Dynamic Range (RMDR) is currently the best metric for HF radio performance - the higher the number, the better a receiver could still distinguish a small signal while a very strong signal is present very close in frequency. Icom reports a typical figure for RMDR at 97dB at 1KHz spacing. To get an idea how this fares agains what else is out there, similar-priced recent transceivers have been measured by QST at 75dB - Yaesu FT-991, 81dB - Yaesu FTdx-1200, 84dB - Icom IC-7100, 94dB - Kenwood TS-590SG. As expected, the more expensive SDR transceivers have higher figures to show: the Apache Labs ANAN-100D was measured at 105dB and the Flexradio FLEX-6700 116dB. If things didn't already look very good already, QST measures at 2KHz spacing, where the IC-7300 would certainly be in the 3 figure mark.