Balony z APRS..
    EI2KK pisze:


    Cos musi byc nie teges z AGW.. na waterfall widze transmisje (10.151MHz) - ale nic nie dekoduje.. poziom wydaje sie byc OK, porownujac z innymi programami digi..

jeśli chcesz odpalić AGWPE na KF'ie to konfiguracja będzie odmienna może zaglądnij tu:

300 baud HF packet operations are quite different from 1200 baud VHF/UHF operations:

Tuning is more difficult - the incoming audio tones from the receiver have to match the frequencies AGWPE is expecting within 20 or 30 Hz in order to be reliably decoded (that is within 10-15% or so of the 200 Hz shift). Since the receiver tuning directly affects the frequency of the recovered audio, this requires very precise manipulation of the receiver tuning knob. Since most modern HF rigs tune in synthesized steps of 10 Hz, this means that nudging the knob barely one or two clicks from center is enough to completely kill reception. [Many hams still have problems tuning in an SSB signal so that voice sounds reasonably natural, and that requires "only" a tuning accuracy of 50-100 Hz, not 20-30 Hz!].

Note: this extreme sensitivity to frequency error means that any traditional analog VFO rig will be virtually unusable on a fixed HF frequency (such as for APRS), since they are unlikely to stay within 10 Hz for very long. For this reason, your radio should have a very stable VFO if you hope to stay exactly on frequency.

Signals are more easily affected by interference and propagation conditions and by low signal-to-noise ratios and spurious noise

The tone shift is 200 Hz rather than the 1000 Hz used in 1200 baud packet

Digipeating is not generally used (3rd party traffic concerns)

Configuring AGWPE for 300 baud HF packet isn't much different than for 1200 or 9600. On the AGWPE Properties for Port 1 window, push the Options button to call up a Sound Card Modem/TNC Setup window with baud choices for the left channel (port 1/radio1) and right channel (port 2/radio 2). Just select 300 baud for the left channel (see also the AGWPE setup page).