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Nie mogę się zgodzić ze wszystkim co napisane jest w tym linku. Nie neguję czasu i pracy włożonej w ten tekst. Ale np. : Do not believe that 50-Ohm-feed in a Longyagi means greater bandwidth! If you compare the magnitudes and phases of the currents in the radiator and the D 1 in a 50-Ohm-design you will see the cause for many problems: The close spaced first director is no real director, it has a much higher current than the radiator itself and that coupled system with “open-sleeve-principles” has severe influence to the pattern and the impedance across a greater part of the band (and losses, if you use a Flexa-Yagi with thin steel rods). przykład który nie jest prawdą. Dlaczego? - loong yagi 50 Ohm ![]() |