TYT MD380 - czy rzeczywiœcie jest kompatybilne z MOTOTRBO?
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Tytera MD-380 Enhanced Privacy Recordings
There has been some discussion about the privacy features on the Tytera MD-380 in other threads, but I didn't want to include this in the digital voice for amateur radio thread since voice privacy isn't allowed on amateur radio.

The MD-380 offers 2 types of voice privacy:

16 bit Basic Privacy:
4 digit hexadecimal key (65,536 keys)

128 bit Enhanced Privacy:
32 digit hexadecimal key

Here are two voice samples of the Enhanced Privacy:

1- 128 bit EP as heard by another DMR radio with no enc key set:
Zippyshare.com - MD 380 128 Bit Enhanced Privacy.wma

2- 128 bit EP recorded in the raw:
Zippyshare.com - DSDPlus-Raw-Input_MD-380EP.wav

If anyone wants to look at the raw and see if they can tell how the EP works, I'd appreciate it. I'm just wondering if it is encryption or some other type of manipulation.

Ÿródło: http://forums.radioreference.com/budget-entry-level-transceivers/319830-tytera-md-380-enhanced-privacy-recordings.html