IRBE-1 from Latvia on Friday, April 10 434.276 MHz, USB, RTTY |
Hello, again! Looks like there will be a balloon launch from Latvia tomorrow morning (Friday, April 10). It will be done by Ventspils University College, I'm not involved with them, just passing the information I know, if anybody is able to help them with the tracking as it will be on a workday. Expected burst altitude is around 25 km, so it should cover some part of northern Poland. Launch time: 9:00-10:00 (local time), 6:00-7:00 UTC Launch site: Ventspils Airport (KO07sj) Callsign: IRBE-1 (Infra-Red Balloon Experiment-1) 434.276 MHz, USB RTTY, 50 baud 425 Hz shift ASCII 8 bits, no parity, 2 stop bits Telemetry in standard UKHAS format. Predicted flight trajectory, expected burst altitude around 25 km: |