Kenwood TM-742 A / E jak zeuropeizować radio ?
Dla wersji 741 taki jest opis:

Chodzi konkretnie o ten oppis:
"c) On the left side of the lithium battery there are four
jumpers marked R54, R55, R56 and R57 corresponding
respectively to b0, b1, b2 and b3 bits described below.

Set the four bits as required for your country:

- European Countries:
mode $05

b3 = 0
b2 = 1
b1 = 0
b0 = 1

- USA, Canada and Asia:
mode $03

b3 = 0
b2 = 0
b1 = 1
b0 = 1

WARNING: 0 => jumper set, 1 => no jumper.

d) Refit the rear of the case by reversing the order of

Frequency range after modification

| || rx range || tx range || SHIFT |
| unit || min | max || min | max || EUROPE | USA CAN ASIA |
| 28 || 18 | 54 || 26 | 45 || +/- 100 KHz | iden |
| 50 || 40 | 90 || 46 | 76 || +/- 1 MHz | iden |
| 144 || 118 | 174 || 136 | 174 || +/- 600 KHz | iden |
| 220 || 215 | 260 || 215 | 235 || +/- 1.6 MHz | iden |
| 430 || 410 | 470 || 410 | 470 || +/-1.6,-7.6 | +/- 5 MHz |
| 1200 ||1100 |1400 ||1100 |1400 || +35, -6 MHz | +/-12,-20MHz | "