Global Space Balloon Challenge
no to przyszedł chyba czas na drużynę narodową lub połączenie sił 4-ech ośrodków w SP

Anyone participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge must follow these requirements:

You must be part of a team with at least one other member . This is to ensure everyone’s safety as they assemble and fly their balloons.

Your payload must contain a camera. We know this adds weight to your balloon, but we believe sharing photos is the best way to inspire and connect with other teams, a critical component of the GSBC.

Your payload must carry a GPS. This will allow you to track and recover your payload safely.

You must follow all your local regulations. Please see the regulations page for more information.

You must fly between April 10th and April 27th, 2015. If you run into issues that prevent this, email us and explain what happened, and exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. Delays due to weather are allowed as it is important to be safe and only fly when conditions are acceptable. Should a delay due to weather be necessary, send us proof of the bad conditions, and you will be approved to launch at a later time. However, teams must fly by May 22nd in order to compete for prizes as specified on the prize page.

Everyone on a team must have signed up on the website and accepted the Terms and Conditions.

No payloads are allowed to contain vertebrates.

Tomku, jakieś pomysły na ultralekką kamerę dla "SEBA" ?