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Witam Dla posiadaczy licencyjnego WinTest dostępna jest już wersja 4.14.0 Poniżej wykaz zmian w stosunku do wersji 4.13 ============================================ 4.14.0 (Oct 19, 2014) - CAUTION: New network protocol version 1.26 released Reminder: If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have the same WT version on all machines! - New notes file format and network protocol to ease log corrections within Win-Test. Check the new last items of the Tools / Check log menu. - Partner : New properties dialog to set the various options. By default, the realtime keystrokes network transmission is disabled when switched to the S&P mode. It can be enabled by choice in this properties dlg. Tnx TM0HQ & N6TV. - Bugfix : When several mp3 record files from different stations for a given contest were used, the rewind and forward functions led to a crash. Tnx DL8AAU@DR9A. - Bugfix : Lua : An error occured when calling a script with the double-quote key. Tnx N6TV. - Bugfix : RDAC : The Tools / Check log / Search for bad exchanges function was not working for the RDAC contest. Tnx SP5KP - IARU HF : A '?' indicator is now displayed when the received exchange is not an ITU zone, AC, R1, R2 or R3, or not composed of letters only. - Radio wnd : When using a Windows font size option different from 100%, the VFO displays didn't scale up well. Tnx N6XI, N6TV. - New option in Tools / Check log / Search for bad exchanges, to detect exchanges discrepancies in the log only. - Merge report redesigned : All conflicts are ordered by time and also by station name. - The Date/Time dialog (Alt-F) now indicates the station who entered the QSO. Not editable. Tnx F8CRH@TM0HQ. - New Goto Callsign edit menu (Shortcut Shift+Ctrl+G) to set the cursor on a QSO with a given callsign. By default, the callsign of the current QSO is searched. If it is empty (ie if the cursor is set to the last (empty) line of the log), a dialog is opened. The search is done backwards. - New CW option to enable/disable the speed bursts (+/-) without modifying the messages. Text commands are BURSTS / NOBURSTS. Useful to defeat CW skimmers on-demand. - Interfaces setup dialog : The lists for each COM port are now reordered to comply with the most current needs. - Bugfix : In the Alt-M wnd, when data were ordered by number of worked bands/modes, and never worked mults were hidden, the sweep clean mults were always displayed, despite this option was set or not. Tnx CT1BOH. ------------------- 73 and good luck in the coming CQWW DX SSB contest ! Larry - F6FVY ====================================================== Pozdrawiam Krzysztof sp5kp P.S. W najbliższych dniach rozpocznę prace na przygotowaniem spolszczenia do wersji 4.14.0 Po zakończeni prac poinformuję tu na forum. |