Jednostki elektryczne stosowane w antenach nadawczych, odbiorczych i nadwczo-odbiorczych.
definicja dBi
"The expression dBi is used to define the gain of an antenna system relative to an isotropic radiator at radio frequencies . The symbol is an abbreviation for "decibels relative to isotropic."
definicja isotropic radiator:
An isotropic radiator is a transducer that produces useful electromagnetic field output in all directions with equal intensity, and at 100-percent efficiency, in three-dimensional space. If used for signal reception, the device is equally sensitive in all directions. In wireless communications and broadcasting, the isotropic radiator (also called an isotropic antenna ) is a theoretical ideal. It is sometimes referred to as a point source.

nigdy się nad tymi jednostkami nie zastanawiałem - wiedziałem tylko, że dBi dotyczy anteny idealnej a dBd dipola. I to, że dBd jest większe niż dBi. Stąd moje pyt.
