TS-590 ALC - czy Kenwood zaczal dzialac ??? |
SP5QIR pisze: Jak w temacie, zrodlo z netu. Zweryfikujcie sami http://www.microsofttranslator.com/BV.aspx?ref=IE8Activity&a=http%3A%2F%2Fxv4y.radioclub.asia%2F2014%2F04%2F04%2Fmodification-officielle-du-circuit-dalc-du-kenwood-ts-590s%2F Witam. Jaki czas temu na grupie dyskusyjnej Yahoo było takie info: "Here is info I got from one of my Kenwood dealers and I wanted you all to get the word: Attention all Kenwood Dealers, We understand that there are TS-590S owners that are still having problems with the ALC spike issue, even after a firmware upgrade lowered the spike. If you have a customer with an amp that is shutting off and going into standby please share this info with them. The radio must be sent to a Kenwood Service center for the modification, it takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and takes several parts, it is not doable by the end user. There is no charge for this modification, in or out of warranty. Kenwood will pay the return shipping from the service center. The owner pays for shipping to the service center, and we take care of the rest! The U.S. service centers will be ready to perform the modification in late April. Serial number range: B09xxxxx to BC3xxxxx From SN B4100001 the modification has been applied. Thanks for your support. Kenwood USA" A co będzie to się zobaczy Robert |